Baby Boy and I had a fairly uneventful week at school. We did a little bit of school during Christmas week and New Years week to keep our brains sharp, but nothing too strenuous. I'm going to try to smash the whole three weeks into this one weekly report, since I've been neglecting to do them lately. I know it bores people to death to give blow by blow details of our school days, so I really am going to try to keep it short and sweet this time. Wish me luck:
- Language Arts: Read and discussed two new short stories, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown and Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher. Both were good, but very creepy. If you're into dark literature, read these. Also continuing with our SAT prep in Vocabulary Cartoons.
- Algebra II: We completed two chapters. One on 2nd degree equations and another on radical equations. They were both extremely difficult and challenged both Baby Boy and myself. I think we have it all figured out, but not entirely certain.
- Human Anatomy: We completed a chapter on muscle histology and physiology. Now I know more about the who what where and why of the alleged muscles in my body than I ever really cared to know. Baby Boy finds it all fascinating and amazing, this is the one course he works on passionately without any urging from me. Joy!
- American History: We are studying the unrest in the United States right before the Civil War. We are also reading a book on the Dred Scott Case and the fallout from that period in American history and how it still affects us today. You can take a peek at the book over there in my sidebar, if you like.
- Logic and Critical Thinking: We have gone from discussing specific fallacies in logic to tackling the danger of assumptions. This is interesting conversation, I assure you.
- Extra-Curriculars: Baby Boy is doing famously in tae kwon do snatching up another belt, but I don't have a lot of photos because someone (and she knows who she is) bought me non-refundable and non-transferable tickets to see The Nutcracker on the same day as the belt testing. Also Baby Boy is signed up for the Winter League of Texas Ultimate! Frisbee, so look for more adventures in that. Bowling has been sort of a bust as the last two months were canceled due to lack of participants. We may find we have to let that one go . . . but then again . . . maybe we won't.
That's all for school news . . . in other news . . . We are moving into our new house next Friday!!! I'm so excited, but also overwhelmed. Starting tomorrow we will be meticulously packing all of our worldly possessions so they will be ready for the movers to come and pick up first thing Friday Morning. Please wish us luck. I despise packing and moving and cleaning and all things that come with that whole territory; however, I am so excited about our new bigger place with a delicious yard with a nice tall privacy fence. If we can just get past the packing and moving and cleaning and cleaning again and the unpacking and settling in . . . I know it will all be worth it. ;-)
So I'm not sure how much I'll be on next week. Probably more than I should be, because I can already tell that I'll be needing a break, LOL.
Take care and I hope everyone had a fantabulous week and will have an even more spectacular weekend!
Until next time . . .

I'd rather go through labor than move.
Good luck. Hope you're not out of touch for long.
I'm weird, I like to move. If you were closer, I'd come help you pack. Good luck!
I could pack your house, and move everything in a day! ha,ha.
Moving itself is torture so I hope you love your new place :-).
As for Monopoloy, James loves to kick my butt with the Star Wars version, which has real money. But, we play in 1/2 an hour increments for 2 weeks. He won't let me say "you won," I have to go bankrupt.
I felt the same way when we went to go bowling and all the adding was done by computer.
Sounds like you had a great week. I can't wait to see your new house. Be careful with your back though.
BTW,you new avatar is H-O-T! You go, girl! I wish I had hair like that.
Just the thought of moving gives me a chill down my spine. I hate moving so much that I would probably let the house fall in on me before I could give into it. But I am wishing you the very best with YOUR move!!
Happy New House! Sorry to hear about that moving thing... it is the worst, but the end result will be great.
I'm never going to move again. Well, I might move but I'll buy all new stuff and sell the house with everything in it because the thought of packing it up and moving it all makes me want to puke!
Good luck and enjoy the new digs!
I like to move, but I hate packing boxes.
Actually I cannot stand packing boxes.
Just thinking about packing boxes right now makes me feel anxious.
But alas, I am cursed with being a control freak, and I cannot trust anybody at all to be able to pack my cherised items (which is everything I own) in a way which they do not break.
This means I have to pack all the boxes by myself.
I miss the days when you could just throw your stuff in a big garbage bag and be completely moved in less than 30 minutes.
I'd rather go through labor than move, just like Ami. sounds like it will be a good move for you!
I love your new profile picture, by the way, and your description.
I want to see Jason go through labor!!!!
Yes, I did attend OU (the one in Oklahoma)! I did not graduate from OU though, I graduated from The University of Maryland.
Good luck on the move. And it's not boring. As we get closer to the teen years, I'm starting to pay attention to what homeschoolers with teens do for school.
TAG, you're it! Have fun packing!
Happy New House! Sorry to hear about that moving thing..
Good luck and enjoy ....
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