For the very first time in 12 long years Mom #2 and I went on a grown-up getaway with no kids, no grand kids, and no pets! At first we hardly knew what to do with ourselves, but we recovered from that fairly quickly.
Until next time . . .

For the very first time in 12 long years Mom #2 and I went on a grown-up getaway with no kids, no grand kids, and no pets! At first we hardly knew what to do with ourselves, but we recovered from that fairly quickly.
Posted by MOM #1 7 comments
Labels: family life, field trips, photo
Posted by MOM #1 0 comments
Labels: extended family, family life, field trips, Mee Maw
After surviving:
Posted by MOM #1 1 comments
Labels: extended family, family life, food, just for fun, rants
It's been a whirlwind few months! I won't bore you with all the details but let me just say that we have been going through a LOT of changes. I'll try to divvy it out in bite-sized pieces so it's not so overwhelming, LOL.
I would like to share one of my tiny victories. I finally finished my very last required Spanish class. I took it over the summer. Thank goodness it's over! I'm still trying to read, speak, and watch television in Spanish so I don't lose everything I've worked so hard for . . . but I must say . . . my Spanish speaking part of my brain is exhausted. I don't know when it gets easier to switch back and forth between languages, but I certainly have not reached that point yet.
Did I tell you that my parent's just bought a brand new house right around the corner from us? We'll have to discuss the art of dodging a Mom who likes to call and say that she's on the way when she's actually in your driveway. HELP!
Until next time . . .
Posted by MOM #1 6 comments
Labels: extended family, family life
Posted by MOM #1 9 comments
Labels: extended family, family life, photo
This morning I finally passed the 30 pound mark on my weight loss challenge.
I still have a looonnnngggggg way to go, but 30 pounds down is a great start!
I'm sooooooo excited, I think I'll celebrate with a 0 point value apple!
*SIGH* ;-)
Until next time . . .
Posted by MOM #1 6 comments
Labels: just for fun
Posted by MOM #1 3 comments
Posted by MOM #1 4 comments
Labels: Blog Therapy, extended family, family life
I am many weeks late properly thanking :)De for her beautiful Springtime gift, but her kindness is really on my mind today as we enjoy the Sounds of Spring on our back patio.
Posted by MOM #1 2 comments
Labels: family life, just for fun, video
The fairies are staying with their parents for the week. It's been soooooo quiet around the house. I have so many mixed emotions about the situation. I am so grateful to be able to slow down and enjoy the peace and quiet that is our home with three adults (yes, I do view Baby Boy as an adult now) living in it. At the same time, I worry about the girls and how they are doing. I worry about the situations that led to them living here in the first place. Needless to say, we call them - OFTEN.
Worried. Relaxed. Worried. Relaxed. That's been my frame of mind all week, LOL.
I have had a chance to catch up on some housework and on reading the piles of unopened mail stashed on every single horizontal surface in the house. Most of it just requires shredding anyway. Too much junk mail for me. I should actually be cleaning right now, but . . . yuck . . . you know. ;-)
Last week Baby Boy had a birthday! I guess he's my Baby Young Man now that he's 19. My goodness, every time I look at him he seems to be getting taller and eating more and more. When the heck do boys stop growing? I'm good with his current height and weight, so any time he wants to dial back the growing legs and feet is fine with me. We had a great big family get together party, but the photos are on Mom #2's phone, so I'll have to upload them later.
Speaking of Baby Boy, he's been very busy with school. His classes seem to be exponentially more difficult this semester than they have been in the past, so it looks like it'll be touch and go right up to the finish. Please keep him in your thoughts. He's also going through the certification process in order to be a volunteer at our local hospital. There are lots of hoops to jump through with meetings, training, paperwork, and immunizations. Hopefully he'll get through that pretty soon.
Other than Mom #2's work keeping her busy-busy-busy, that's about all we have going on with us right now.
Until next time . . .
Posted by MOM #1 3 comments
Labels: Baby Boy Community College, extended family, family life, happy birthday
We've been oh-so-busy with three new little fairies fluttering about. I think everyone is finally starting to settle in and find a rhythm. The fairies are on a pretty strict schedule, which brings me peace. I don't do very well with surprises or the unknown. Regularity and predictability are my very best friends . . . I don't know why I can't seem to blog with any sort of regularity or predictability . . . but I do like regularity in all the other areas of my life. It's very Virgo of me, I guess.
Posted by MOM #1 8 comments
Labels: extended family, family life, photo
It's a loooonnnnnngggggg story, and not really mine to tell, so I'll keep it brief.
The three fairies have been staying here off and on for the past few weeks and since their parents are unable to care for them right now, they'll be staying at Two Moms' Homeschool for the foreseeable future.
They are just soooooo precious and really deserve a positive start in life. I hope that Mom #2, Baby Boy, Baby Doggy, and I can give them that. I also hope their parents wake up and see what they are missing out on very soon. That second hope is that one that's really on my mind lately. Either way, we've chosen to celebrate the new additions to our family.
To give you just a glimpse of our new lives, we are being treated to regular serenades such as this one:
Posted by MOM #1 10 comments
Labels: Blog Therapy, extended family, family life, video
In my absence I've been busy clearing the various clutter from around the house. While not completely done, I think I'm off to a great start.
Posted by MOM #1 5 comments
Labels: Area 66, just for fun, photo