For the very first time in 12 long years Mom #2 and I went on a grown-up getaway with no kids, no grand kids, and no pets! At first we hardly knew what to do with ourselves, but we recovered from that fairly quickly.
First we found a very grown-up room in a historical and beautiful hotel.
Then we thought we'd have some fun visiting some touristy attractions.
We enjoyed lots of different sights that may have been fun for children . . .
. . . But without the endless trips to the potty. . .
. . . Without a pocket full of tissues to wipe runny noses. . .
. . .Without the too-cool-for-school eye rolls. . .
. . . And without leashes, kibble, doggy-doo bags, or travel kennels.
I'll never forget the complete conversations Mom #2 and I were able to have without interruption.
We also had several delicious meals in nice restaurants with real tablecloths, finely dressed waiters, and cloth napkins.
When it was time for bed, I only had to bathe myself.
And when we tucked each other in . . . .
. . . We only had to kiss each other.
We had an incredible time!
I hope we don't wait 12 more years before we have another grown-up getaway.
Until next time . . .

That is so cool! I am due for one of those getaways.
Oh how lovely! Good on you two. Its always awesome to have a bit of alone grown up time. I remember the very first time we ever did it. I was worried about the kids the whole time and ended up going home early. LOL I got totally better at it and have since even left the country twice without them now. Beautiful pictures. Hugs xoxoxox
Vacations without kids?! I thought those were myths! ;) Glad you and Mom #2 had a lovely time.
Sounds fabulous! Just pure heaven. I have not had even one getaway, not even one night, with my husband alone since our daughter was born as we never had anyone to watch her. Our family is all in other states and my MIL was okay with small visits for 1-4 hours max but no overnighters, she is odd that way. And never had the right set of friends for it either... So...we wait...maybe someday.
Sounds like a wonderful time. I love zoos, getaways too.
Good for you two! Sounds like a great (and well-deserved) time away.
Hi Mom #1! It's been so long since I popped over here to check your blog but the other day I was thinking about you girls and your son and looked you up! I chose this post to leave a comment on because boy can I relate! We just took our first without kids/dog trip together this past summer and oh my it was wonderful! So happy for your son going to Uni! I just finished my AA in journalism and the kids are both still plugging away at college. Hubby is getting his bachelors degree now online so I'm going to hold off for a bit and give him some support. Here I am going on and on and you probably don't even remember me...I used to blog a lot and read your posts all the time. I just started blogging again now that I have a little time in case you want to stop by and say hi. Glad you're all doing so well. Hope to hear from you. :) Tammi
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