The Audacity of Hope.
It's Amazing.
It's Amazing.

And now I'm off to give an impromptu lesson to my son on how you can truly accomplish anything your heart desires. No matter who you are, or where you come from, or what color your skin is.
It. really. can. happen. to. you. Baby. Boy.
I'm sorry . . . I'm gushing and rambling . . . but . . . it's truly a feeling of nirvana at the Two Moms' Homeschool today.
And I'm even more grateful for the next generation who will never have to be taught this lesson, because it's a given.
Until next time . . .

It is AWESOME!!!
BTW, I found your blog through Katy's--love your comments!
Yes, I'm a Democrat :-) (answering your question you left on my blog). I am so excited that after eight long years we finally have HOPE in America. Waiting for President-Elect Obama to speak any minute. Here he comes... gotta go! Happy Dance!
Even though he isn't my candidate...I do have a lot of respect and admiration for what he has accomplished.
Thanks you also SOOO much for your prayers for my DD. They truly mean a lot!
I think 95% of the world has given sigh of relief. I personally feel th optimism and hope all they down on teh other side of the world.
I think america may be the only election where we all sit around and watch votes being counted.
It is such an exciting day to be homeschooling today because I feel like I can finally tell my boys that we live in a great country and REALLY, REALLY mean it.
I'm having my own private party here, while my husband agonizes (we have NEVER voted for the same person; ever. Well, now he knows how I felt when Dubya won... twice).
I didn't vote for Obama - I came close. McKinney was just slightly closer to my point of view. However, I totally heart Obama!
It was ageat night. And the first time that DH and I both voted for the same person, Pres. Elect Obama. I was proud to win him to my side :-)
Ok, I've been reading post election stuff all morning and you are the first person who made me cry! It CAN happen to Baby Boy, how inspiring and thrilling and exciting it is to be an American right now.
Gotta go hunt up some kleenex now, dammit, you made my mascara run...
Baby Boy has my vote!!
I know what you mean. I have been thinking about all the changes I have seen in my 42 years and all the things I've seen this country struggle to attain that my 4-year-old WILL GROW UP TAKING FOR GRANTED.
We can start Baby Boy's grass roots campaign today!
As for Obama, I truly do hope he can accomplish all he says he will. In my opinion it will take a lot longer then 4 years to clean up this HUGE BUSH MESS!
Glad all is well! Yes, what ever you put your mind to, you can do it.
Hey Mom#1 - sending you some virtual midol, valium and a big bottle of wine. ;-)
I still can't believe it. Every time I hear the words "President-elect Obama" on the news I feel a surge of joy.
My eldest is only 7yo. This is the first election she remembers. Obama is the first president my kids will remember. I keep thinking about the fact that they will grow up knowing, as a matter of course, that an African-American can be President. They won't have to wonder and hope for it to come to pass in their lifetime. It will just be normal to them. I love that.
For the first time in a long time I am proud to be an American,and I feel enormous optimism for my country.
Totally OT-- the word verification below is giving me the letters "menst," which of course just makes me think, "MENSTRUAL!"
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