My unemployed and uninspired Mother is too busy to talk to me?
I've been trying to call and chat with her; not to give her a hard time, but just to see how she's doing and how she's handling things. So why can't I get her to stop moving and give me 10 uninterrupted minutes?
Let me tell you, this is a stretch for me already, because I despise talking on the telephone. Ask anyone who knows me. If anyone actually wants to talk to me, they have to call either Mom #2 or Baby Boy on their cell phones and have them to tell me to answer my phone . . . because I have no problem letting it ring all day long.
I actually have probably only initiated a hand full of phone calls in my entire life, and the majority of those were to call businesses and complain. Complaining is my phone specialty. If I'm on the phone, I'm usually ticked off . . . but I've put all my usual issues with the telephone aside and tried to call Mom every day this week now.
Here's how it's been going:
- On Monday, she couldn't talk because she was out shopping to buy herself a new outfit so she could get her mind off the stress of losing her job (yes, the one she walked in and quit without notice).
- On Tuesday, she couldn't talk because she was going to a matinée with some lady from her church.
- On Wednesday, she couldn't talk because she was getting a massage.
- This morning, I thought I'd mix it up a bit and call her early this morning, before she got out and about. But the joke was on me! Do you know that she is already on her way to get a manicure so she can be done in time for a "ladies who lunch" session with her church lady friend?
Apparently, I've been living my life the wrong way all these years. I thought that if you had no job, no income of any kind, and threw away your chances of collecting unemployment income, you saved money, not spent it all, but alas . . . as usual, I am mistaken.
Insanity ~ ~ Membership has it's privileges.
Until Next Time . . .