Well, after Mom #2 hacked into my blog, I guess someone else thought it would be a good idea too because someone else left nasty porno spam comments on every single post. I've been going through and deleting it all for the past few days, so that's kept me pretty busy. If you see something amiss, please let me know.
But . . . on to the good stuff.
I hadn't planned on spilling the beans about ME going back to school just yet, as this is Baby Boy's glory week. Mom #2 is one of those people who is simply incapable of keeping any kind of secret, LOL, bless her heart. ;-) I will say this though, my brain is not as young and rubbery and remembery as it used to be. Of that I am SURE!
Baby Boy had a good first week. Actually a great first week, I think.
Getting used to other instructors besides me has been an interesting challenge for him. He's had to ask a few questions and even email one of his professors. I am very happy that he isn't afraid to ask for clarification when he is unsure of anything. I think my greatest fear was that he'd sit in the classroom in a fog of unfamiliarity and not have the gonads to speak up when he's in trouble. Fortunately, that hasn't been the case.
Of course, I feel I've raised an outspoken and self confident young man, but you never really know how you've done until the rest of the world gets a crack at him. I've impressed upon him the importance of staying on top of things. He doesn't want to get behind. I think the biggest change so far has been homework. In our homeschool, I assign work that can be done throughout the day and there really wasn't much homework per say as it was all done at home, I guess. Now he is only in class a couple of days a week and he has to schedule himself the appropriate amount of at home time to get things done in a timely manner. Time management and resisting the urge to procrastinate are going to be intensely learned lessons this semester, I think.
He does seem to be taking things seriously, but not too seriously, which is exactly where I think he should be at this point. In fact, I might want to try to learn that bit of adolescent ambivalence myself.
Have a great week!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
Im sure you will both do fine! My motto here is we learn what we WANT to learn and what we are interested in. Asking question is the only way to go, its great that Baby boy is showing that initiative all ready. Hugs and smoochies xoxoxox
Glad things are going well for both of you! Communication is so key... it must feel great to know that you've raised a boy confident enough to ask for clarification when needed instead of coming back with an empty page the next day and saying, "but I didn't know what to do." (One of my personal pet peeves!) Continued good luck to you both.
How wonderful. Congratulations to BOTH of you for your courage in venturing into new worlds! It sounds like Baby Boy will do fabulously, and so will you. :-D
"Remembery" Hahahahahahaaa! That's good.
Congratulations. I'm sure he'll keep asking questions and you'll get more remembery.
That sounds great! I'm thrilled for you guys. I have to say that I did notice a difference between taking college courses at 19, and then taking one years later at 29. I had a much better understanding of what I was learning, but I no longer had that razor sharp 19 year old memory. And I can't even imagine trying to take a multiple choice exam now!
Congratulations again to you both!
Congratulations!!! You and Mom #2 have done an amazing job with Baby boy. (OK, just have to ask, do you all slip up and call him baby boy in public?)
I find myself putting off the work as well. I will leave it until the last minute. I hope when I grow up I will grow out of it....
but...but...I want to hear all about YOUR school too!! Don't you dare leave us in suspense too long, OK????
I think it is wonderful that you are going to school, too! Are you going for anything in particular - or just for 'fun.'
Congrats - and good luck with your studies!
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