. . . To take photos of them when they're busy socializing. Good shot. Bad shot. No shot at all. Either way, it doesn't matter to them. 30 seconds later, it's all over.
If you've been reading for any length of time, you'll notice this is a recycled costume for Baby Boy. He's still getting his money's worth out of it, although I may have to charge him for using an excessive amount of my liquid eyeliner. I'm still not sure what it is, but I know it's from
Naruto Shippuden. Please don't ask any questions, that's all I know. I would ask Baby Boy, but I have to admit, the long version explanation he gives makes me nod off.
Full Body
Ready To Party
They're terrible shots, but the party was lots of fun.
Slowly coming around from a sweet induced coma. ;-) My favorite kind.
I hope your festivities were all you anticipated and more.
Until next time . . .

Glad it was a happy one for you.
Hey there! Sounds like Baby Boy had a great Halloween celebration, and I hope you moms did too.
I also hope that your tough times will ease up soon. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you all...
Naruto is HUGE here!
I told the boys to take it easy on the candy, I on the other hand ate way to much. Sleep, and the gym should cure me. (along with hiding the candy from myself)...
Great pictures...
I have to say I'm a little shocked -- not a single zombie in the whole bunch of them!
Are these kids you've known since they were little?
I'm glad a fabulous time was had by all. The photos came out just fine. Yes, at what point do children go from being more than willing to ham for the camera, to running out the door with a "later mom!"?
Yours gives you 30 seconds???? That's like ten minutes compared to what mine give me! ;) I DID recognize the costume, and would be exactly like you...terribly afraid to ask! LOL!!
Good for him for using his costume to the fullest. Is he still wearing it randomly to the library? I may make James wear his randomly :-).
You know I have to tell you I just love your blog :) I always get such a smile, thanks for sharing
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