I'm thankful that currently there is no dust anywhere in my house.
I'm thankful that the floors are spotless and sparkling.
I'm thankful that the carpet hasn't only been vacuumed, but shampooed as well.
I'm thankful that there are no dirty dishes anywhere in the entire house.
I'm thankful that we're finally having the kind of cool breezy weather that encourages opening all the windows and thoroughly airing out the entire house.
I'm thankful that Baby Doggy has been bathed, brushed and trimmed and won't smell like the not-so-great outdoors for our Thanksgiving Day guests.
I'm thankful that the pies and cakes are already baked.
I'm thankful that the hors d'oevres have been pre-assembled and only need to be warmed in the oven ten minutes before our guests' estimated arrival.
I'm thankful that Mom #2 makes the best turkey in the world, so that I don't have to worry myself with that chore.
I'm thankful that my Mom has been staying on her meds and is gracing us with both her presence and her world famous Holiday Dressing this year. It's been often imitated but never duplicated during years when she can't get herself together to make it.
I'm thankful that my Dad has decided to come to Thanksgiving Dinner this year as well. He's had a rough couple of years and has been withdrawn and depressed. He is slowly bouncing back to his silly old self and he's always so much fun at family gatherings. We've missed him and welcome him back with open arms.
I'm thankful that Baby Boy kept me company while I ran errands this week so that I didn't have a panic attack in the holiday traffic.
I'm thankful that our family has come through a tough financial year still intact, still in love, and still full of hope.
I'm thankful for all of my blogging buddies who allow me to whine, moan, complain, brag, fret, and cheer on an extremely semi-irregular basis, but still support me and read even when the content is not all that stellar.
I'm especially thankful that even though I have some severely erratic, anal-retentive, abnormally psychotic tendencies . . . family and friends, both real and virtual, have allowed me to be myself and have loved me in spite of it all. Who knew there was so much unconditional love in the world.
Eat, live, love and play well.

I love it... almost crying over here. And thanks for the comment about my jewelry. It brings me much joy.
Wow! That was so touching. I am so honored to have met you in this virtual world.
Wishing you a Peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for you. Big kiss out to all three of you - Muuwaa!
So many wonderful things for which to be thankful! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Hope it was peaceful and free from drama.
And wow. I wish my house were clean... but that would require me to do something about it, now wouldn't it?
And we are thankful that we have "met" you and get to hear some of your stories and thoughts. You have such a lovely family.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It sounds like it involved lots of good food and cleanliness!
So glad your parents could make it! I hope your day was relaxing and fun. :)
I think we all agree that we are thankful for you allowing us to do the same.
That's such a great list, I'm glad you had an amazing Thanksgiving!
I'm so thankful to have discovered your delicious blog way back when. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us!!
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