We've been going through some really tough times lately, but I hate to blog about bad news, so I've just been staying silent about the issues. I'm sure you all can get whining for free at home, so why come here for such silliness.
There is, however, the tiniest glimmer of hope appearing just above an extremely distant horizon.
Positive energy, good thoughts, prayers, chants about found baby birds, etc . . . all much appreciated.
I think I'll leave it at that.
Oh, and, of course, Happy Halloween!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
I am always here if you want to vent.
Hope things get better and SOON!
I'm sorry things are hard right now. Sometimes we just have to put our heads down and plow through it I guess.
Here's to your health and happiness.
Lots of hugs for y'all, hope things get better soon!
No, no, no! You're too sweet to have not nice things happening (at least, I think so). I hope it all sorts out soon - and for the best.
PS - We'll be roughly in your area in a week or two. Shall I wave and blow kisses as we pass?
I'll be thinking good thoughts. Hoping things get better soon.
Hope things end up okay...holler if you need to talk. I've discovered through talking to my counselor that sometimes having a 3rd party totally removed from the situation listen is very helpful.
Feel free to whine to me anytime. I certainly do enough of it. We should pour ourselves a nice drink and chat online and dish about it all - good and bad.
Boo and Happy Halloween!
Hang in there because tomorrow brings not only a new day, but a renewal of hope.
Sending thoughts and prayers your way!
Positive thoughts for good health all around coming your way! Especially to found baby birds! If you ever need to vent, its OK. We'll listen... read.
I sent you an e-mail.
Praying that things get better for you!
REALLY hope things iron themselves out very soon. You guys rock and definitely deserve some good karma!!
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