Due to Mom #2's high blood pressure which has her on a special diet, coupled with the fact that we both are trying to eat more natural, healthy non-processed foods in addition to the fact that we're always broke . . . we eat at home a lot.
Actually we eat at home exclusively.
Eating at home guarantees that I know exactly what is going into the food I'm serving my family (especially if it's food from Mom #2's delicious organic garden) and best of all, it is cheap.
Seriously, have you ever tried to fill up a 16 year old boy with restaurant food? It's extremely expensive. I don't recommend it at all. If you want to fill up a 16 year old boy, and make it stick, I recommend good old fashioned home cooking from scratch. Believe me, I've tried everything else and that is the only thing that works. A biscuit on the side of anything works wonders. All hail the mighty Paula Deen.
But actually, I'm already on a tangent. I'm totally off the whole point of this post.
Baby Boy went over to my sister's house to keep my niece company while she went somewhere. I don't know where. Who cares where, really. The point is, it's the first time Baby Boy hasn't been home for dinner in . . . well . . . ever.
Mom #2 and I were lamenting about what to do for dinner. I couldn't figure out how to cook a reasonable amount of food for just the two of us without tearing up my entire kitchen and producing a city block worth of left overs. I have no idea how to cook a meal without making 3 or 4 portions for Baby Boy. Also, I exclusively do all the kitchen cleaning around here, so that often plays a part in my menu planning, LOL.
Anyway . . . another tangent.
Unbeknownst to me, Mom #2 ordered a pizza online. A pizza! I mean a real, hot, pepperoni, Canadian bacon, black olive, deep crust pizza. Heaven! I can't remember the last time we had a pizza delivered to this house. We were giggling with anticipation, because we were doing something so naughty. We'd never have a pizza delivered to this house if Baby Boy was here. We made plans to discreetly dispose of the box where he'd never find it and dug in with a giddy heart and hungry bellies. Pizza!
But you know what? It was all right. Mom #2 and I both decided we hadn't missed anything and that my cooking is lots better. Oh well.
But . . . it only took me 5 minutes to clean up the kitchen. Small victories, People. Live and learn.
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
Hope he doesn't see this post or you will be in trouble...
Did you get away with it?
On the rare occassions I am actually at home alone, i do that same thing, not pizza though, but other stuff, and then I hide the wrappers, boxes, etc and dispose of them on my way out to work the next morning.
Pizza! *gasp* Did Baby Boy find out, or what??? LOL
I must say I miss pizza in America. The pizza here isn't tasty at all. It just isn't the same. :(
You are so much healthier than me, we have pizza about once a week. More during my finals and mid-terms.
And I wonder why I can't lose weight. Sheesh! ;)
LOL! about cooking 3 - 4 servings for your 16 year old. I know exactly how true that is. With our situation, I am amazed at the difference in my grocery bill.
Wow, how daring... the two of you are waaay more wicked than you look!!
Did he figure it out?
James first had non-homemade pizza after playing soccer, for the party, when he was 5. He was hooked. Now, it's the biggest treat to get "real" pizza. You know, like the stuff I make, with homemade crust and all, is crap. He's addicted to the grease I think.
Oh, yes, you are so right about the homemade food from the organic garden. So wise, but it definitely takes some planning and work - so good for you! We make homemade pizza around here a LOT. And the homemade pizza has now completely spoiled us for anything from the take out menus. Funny how that happens....
Have a wonderful week!
lol, Did baby boy find the evidence?
I would give anything for a Pizza Hut delivery truck right about now!!
I love the pictures as your new header....
Oh you are too funny.
(I once hid in the bathroom to eat the last Klondike Bar.) I won't tell if you won't! ;-)
I'm jealous! We never order pizza anymore - it's obscene how much the boys will eat.
Ok...so this is the one where I whine. Because you have only 1 teenager to feed, whilst I try to fill two. One of which is a vegetarian. So that means different meals. My kitchen is truly a diner, and I am truly a short order cook these days. Plus, my grocery bill is outstripping our mortgage payment now!! Seriously!! It's scary....
LOL! Girl, you crack me up but I can sooo relate to watching the budget and trying to eat healthier at the same time.
I know exactly what you mean about feeding teenage boys. We have 2 ages 17 and 16 and trying to feed them is costing us a fortune. We rarely eat out because it is so expensive. It would cost us about $100 to eat out and then they would still be hungry in an hour..ugh. So my husband and I have date days. Evry two weeks on payday we go out on Saturday and have lunch and whatever esle strikes our fancy so to speak on that day. The boys stay home and play on their x-box 360. they like it and we do to.
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