This is normally where you'd find your weekly report, however I am in intense shock over the fact that I stayed home and prepared dinner while Baby Boy drove himself to tae kwon do practice last night.
Both his body and my vehicle made it back in their original condition. Thank goodness!
Yes. He has upgraded his learner's permit to a real live driver's license.
Please excuse me while I go sit in the closet and cry.
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
Freaky, isn't it? KJ dropped me at school this morning, drove to his dad's to pick up his McDonald's uniform, works until 3:00, and then drives back to Baylor to pick me up. Yes, I still called to make sure he made it to his dad's and will call in 20 minutes to make sure he makes it to McDonald's.
Wow. All grown up like. So, did you relax and ejoy your time at home or just worry the whole time? I know which one I'll be.
You've given me an honest-to-God panic attack. I'm so glad Uber put off drivers lessons for a year. That means the license is still a good two years off, thank goodness. I know BB must be awfully proud of himself, though!!
Oh man, I remember that big, huge step!! It's a total freakout moment,huh?
Do you have any gray hair? Because if you don't, you're gonna real soon.
If you do, look for those little suckers to multiply!!
ROFL!!! You'll learn to love it. WTG Baby Boy!
Way to go Baby Boy!
That being said, my kids will never drive... EVER~!
Wow. Your Baby Boy is, um, a Baby Man! Glad to hear everything went fine with him driving to and from TKD.
I still cry with pride when I take Gavin to his TKD classes, so I'm sure I'll be a mess when he starts driving in 9 years.
Oh my! We're just 4 years away from that. I imagine it would be so strange not to have to drive him to his martial arts class.
Yep....this happened with Amelia nine months ago...and once I overcame the shock and slight fear...I LOVE that she drives herself everywhere now. Suddenly I have so much more time.
WOW - Good for him!
Dh and I were discussing the fact that the next vehicle we buy will be the one my oldest learns on. That is a freaky thought!
Praying for safe travels for Baby Boy!
Our daughter is 12 and we learned not long ago that the province we moved to before Christmas past allows kids to get their learners at 14! Ha, SO NOT HAPPENING. :-P
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