Over the past couple of years, Baby Boy has been writing and illustrating his own original comic book series about the ongoing saga of all things resident evil and the complex characters that are needed to save the world from them.
I usually don't pay too much attention to it, because I've become accustomed to seeing him with a pad of artist's paper and his various writing utensils all the time.
I did, however, think he did a really impressive job on the latest fight sequence. I thought I'd share so you could have just a tiny taste of what I get to read all day every day.
Oh, and just imagine hundreds of sheets of paper all over every horizontal space in your child's room.
Keep your eyes open, you may be seeing more in bookstores near you sometime in the future. At least that's what I tell myself when I'm picking up paper and colored pencils up off the floor, the dresser, the bed and the coffee table.
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
Excellent! I wish you all lived closer. I think BB and my son, Tim, would really get along!
VERY cool. That's what I enjoyed doing when I was younger (later I let someone else do the drawing, while I did some writing. Thus was "The Necropolis Chronicles" born of my friend's imagination, and his request for me to edit and write an issue. LOL. So I'm proud to say I achieved one of my life goals - I had a comic book published).
Hope Baby Boy keeps at it! The detail is wonderful and he should be very proud of his hard work.
That's awesome! And I hear ya on the art supplies. They're everywhere!!
Wow! That was so cool to see and read. And I will be able to say, " I blogged with his mother way back when..." LOL!
And so, another hope is dashed. As James ages, I will still be picking up art aupplies from the floor. They'll just get smaller.
But, the graphic sequence is great. I look forward to ordering from Amazon one day. For James. When he's old enough.
"Is all your capable of" "not eve close"
I love it! Homeschooling allows the babies the opportunity to explore more of who they are. We are super blessed!
Totally cool! I get so tired of picking up the markers off the floor....
Both my boys have gone through phases of writing comic book/graphic novel sequences. They are neither one currently in a phase right now. I'm using the downtime to hide all the art supplies! ;)
I was sure I was going to be a comic artists as a boy. I still might try it.
That is indeed very cool! As someone *not* naturally blessed with a gift for drawing, I marvel at something like this. The eye for detail, and the intricate work is very, very impressive.
Thanks so much for sharing that!
That's so cool; I love the hair!
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