. . . while everyone else gets a life?
It turns out that Baby Boy has added apprentice to his long list of perfect son (in my never to be humble opinion) credentials.
Mom #2 has been taking Baby Boy to work with her off and on over the past few months, and it has somehow turned into an ongoing thing. When Mom #2's friend/helper/employee/whatever had to take an immediate and indefinite sabbatical, Baby Boy stepped right in and took his place like he'd been doing the job all his life.
My how life has changed. Now we all get up unnaturally early. I hastily make breakfasts and pack nutritious lunches while Mom #2 and Baby Boy get dressed and load up the car. I dispense kisses and hugs. Then they leave. They stay gone all the live long day. I plan dinner. Then sit around and wait 6 or 7 hours until it's time to cook it.
I've cleaned everything. My house is spotless. You can literally eat off of any surface you'd like. Pick a counter, shelf, or floor . . . there is no dust left . . . no one's ever here to get anything dusty anymore.
I know summer is not forever and my routine will (hopefully) return in a few months. But seriously, is this what my life will turn into when Baby Boy grows up?
What do the Mommies do when their Baby Boys grow up and move away? I always just assumed that I'd be, well you know, rich, and Mom #2 and I would gallivant across the globe in high heels and tuxedos. Turns out, that may not happen right away, so now I need a contingency plan.
Sorry to be such a downer. I'm feeling a little emotional today, you know because the doggy is actually tired of me rubbing him and just wants me to leave him alone so he can take a nap already. I guess I'll be starting my own Discarded Mommies club. Any joiners?
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
3 days ago
Please. Come over.
My house is a disaster area.
Although there are no high heels or tuxedos in evidence.
I wonder the same thing. I mean, Gavin is still around, but my issue is that all my SAHM friends (including my sis and a friend without children) are suddenly working!
So I'm not a Discarded Mommy YET, but sometimes I feel forgotten by the adults. LOL I suppose that has resulted in good bonding time with my neighbors, whom I adore.
Yes, what do you do when the child grows up??? You're not quite living in an empty nest, but you don't need to give 100% of your time to your child.
Time to pursue your dreams, perhaps? If you've always wanted to write, take art classes, learn how to ballroom dance, etc., then this is the time.
Or check out a bunch of books from the library that you feel it is time to read, then spend quality time with them.
Visit museums, aquariums, or zoos alone and take your own sweet time seeing things.
You aren't a Discarded Mommy. You're in a "homeschooling retirement" phase now!
'Cause, after all, you'll always be Mom, Mommy, and Mom #1. :-D
P.S. Totally understand the nostalgia, sentimentality, and other similar bittersweet thoughts.
Oh, the monotony is horrible isn't it? I try to fill my days with enough "other stuff" to make up for it, in hopes that when my children are grown, the "other stuff" can take over. Reading, painting, knitting, whatever. But with my ADD I don't know if that will be enough either. May have to get a *gasp* job. The horror!
I don't even want to think about it - 'cause I think I'm going to do.just.fine. Free time, here I come... :-)
I keep trying to convince DH to take James to work, but taking a 6 yo isn't as appealing I guess :-)
Well, I decided to go back to school. Otherwise, I would be joining you in the discarded mommies club.
That's what the grandbabies are for! ;-)
But seriously, I am back in school for exactly that reason. These kids are growing up and getting their own lives so I figured it was time for me to do the same thing.
Now I don't have time to think let alone miss them on the days they're gone with their friends the whole day. There are more and more days that I don't see daughter at all, we just exchange text messages. :)
I think I may have just had a panic attack. You mean to tell me that someday these two boys that have been with me for 24/7 for over 15 years now, will someday simply not be around anymore???!!! OMG, I need my blankie. Dadgummit, I wish you were closer, cause I'm looking like crazy for a walking buddy with a spare hour of time on their hands, and there seem to be none to be found!!
I fear the day when I actually desire to clean something. (HUGS) they still really need you.
Geeeeeesh, you're making these emotions that I have stuffed down come right back up :(
What will I do when my little boy leaves ? ... really, what will I do? really, really, really?
... obviously, I am not the right mommy to ask :(
I don't want to think about the boys growing up just yet...
Maybe you can go to work with Mom#2 and clean her office????
You can always keep yourself occupied by pruning plum trees...
I may know of a place... the commute might be a killer though.
A spotless house...what's that like? Seriously?
I think that you should write a book - or a newspaper column - in your newfound spare time. You have such a knack for witty writing.
You can come and clean my house! Since we are staying so much at my mom's my house looks awful!
I have been thinking the same thing. What in the world will I do when my kids are gone?!? Don't have any answers yet, but if I come up with some good ones I will share!
Ugh ... I go through bouts of this too now that the boys' are getting older. No advice, but you're not alone.
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