This week we've had six house guests, including two children (one deliciously behaved with impeccable manners . . . the other . . . firmly planted in his terrible twos), staying . . . living . . . eating . . . showering . . . sleeping . . . with us.
They are members of Mom #2's family and I love them dearly, especially our Uncle Manuel. He is the BEST uncle ever. A mix of surrogate father, big brother, and best friend rolled into one; but I am so tired of being "on" and entertaining such a big rowdy group.
Generally, I'm not good with house guests. I am an anxious neurotic host. I don't do well with noise, either. I like peace, quiet and privacy; however, since my Mom lived here for almost 6 months, I've been trying to stay on my best behavior and not complain about all the comings, goings, and various idiosyncrasies of our house guests. After all, I have no room to complain, right? I actually did pretty good right up until yesterday morning, when I spontaneously burst into tears for no apparent reason. I generally am not a crier, but I think I just needed to get some form of emotion out. It was either that or yell and scream and cause an argument. I think a quick cry is better.
But anyway . . . they just packed up the car . . . buckled themselves in . . . and pulled out of the driveway. Relief.
We just moved into this new house in January, and for the very first time in six months, when Mom #2 gets off work today . . . our immediate family will be the only people in it.
OH! And and in case anyone didn't know. Today, June 19th, is Juneteenth. I remember getting several emails last year from people who've never heard of it. It's a very Southern holiday, particularly highly celebrated here in Texas. We usually have parades, ceremonial dances, speeches by the governor and various NAACP spokespeople, and of course everyone barbecues.
Baby Boy wrote a little post about it here on my blog last year. Here's a link to it in case you need a quick American History lesson.
I think this year, we're going to celebrate by staying home and not inviting anyone over, LOL.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Enjoy the holiday, even if you're not sure exactly what you're celebrating. Never turn down an opportunity for a delicious Texas Margarita, well, actually Juneteenth is usually celebrated with Red Kool-Aide, but you can add a dash of tequila if you like, LOL. You have my expressed written permission!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
3 days ago
Have a happy and quiet Juneteenth weekend!
Enjoy your time all alone, much deserved. And your red kool-aid, if you know, that's your thing :-). Personally, I would need a lot of tequila.
Happy Juneteenth to you and yours.(And thanks for the history lesson from Baby Boy.)
Can I just have my Juneteenth tequila straight out of the bottle? Or is that considered bad manners?
I hope you all have a nice quiet weekend. I think I have spent the last 4 days in tears. What I have learned is that I can not change my family!
I so know how you're feeling. Believe me.
Right now everyone is gone except for Diego, Giancarlo, and me, in this big old house. Usually there are seven of us here.
So quiet. Except for the rowdy 5 year old.
I totally relate to the relief that a house with just the immediate family in it can be after guests! When mother in law leaves I will miss her but not THAT much. ;-)
Happy juneteenth, I've never heard of it but am extremely happy to have an excuse to open a bottle of wine. Ha!
Happy Junteenth - I hope you find some time to relax and take a nap after all of that excitement!
Hi Mom#1! I just got caught up with your blogs and Jason's blogs at the Jason show. Sounds like your family is happy and doing well. Glad Mom #2's business is picking up. We're all good out here in California. My son is starting college and my daughter is a homeschooling 9th grader. I wish our babies didn't have to grow up, but I'm glad they are turning out so good! I'm on facebook, BTW, if you do that. Tammi Nally-Kolesinski is my official name. Talk to you soon! Tammi at Love the Eclectic Life
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