We haven't had an update around here in a while. Let's catch up, shall we?
In, homeschool news, this week we've been doing a little end of the year review. Baby Boy will be taking his college entrance exam in a week or so. (We'll take some positive vibes aimed directly at his brain, please) I'm trying not to think about the fact he probably won't need me to teach him next year. (I'm not really teaching now, just sort of facilitating) If all goes well, we'll probably start next semester with one class at the community college and the rest here at home, although a greatly modified schedule.
In just plain old growing up news, Baby Boy can drive like nobody's business. Now I get to ride shotgun everywhere we go. He drives me to his tae kwon do classes. He drives me to the library. He drives me to his Ultimate Frisbee games. He drives me anywhere he or I need to go. He can drive. I think after he passes (remember positive vibes) his college entrance exam, I'll take him to trade in that provisional driver's license for a real one.
In hallelujah news, it looks like Mom is on her way to moving out. Not right away, but definitely in a few weeks. She can't really live alone or work right now, but it turns out that she has two daughters, not just one. I do have a sister, I'm not sure if you all remember, she's just a little, you know . . . selfish. I'm not sure how this happened, but my sister decided to move from a 2 bedroom apartment into a 4 bedroom apartment and she is going to let Mom move in with her so she can have 2 rooms instead of just the one that we can offer her over here. I can have all of my house back. Yah!!! I think it's financially beneficial to my sister because Mom will be splitting expenses out of the alimony that my Dad pays her (she never ponies up a dime around here, but I digress). Whatever. If she knew what I know, she'd give up that money and keep her sanity, but I'm not going to tell her. Mom has moved all the way out of her apartment and put all of her stuff in storage for now. It took a long time to get her to accept the fact that she won't be working or living alone anytime soon, so these are great leaps. She still has to see her therapist twice a month and her psychiatrist once a month, and I'll be the one accompanying her to those appointments, but my family can really use a little breathing room. This is one concession I'm willing to make. I haven't figured out how I'll monitor her to make sure she's taking her medication daily, maybe I'll install a nanny-cam. Who the heck knows?
In gardening news, we had our first harvest this week. Green beans. Too bad Mom #2 is too lazy to update her gardening blog . . . see her blog way down at the bottom of my blog roll to the right . . . because the green beans are just the beginning. We have lettuces, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers and lots of other goodies on the way. Maybe I'll get some photos later. Maybe not.
Well . . . I think that pretty much sums up everything that we have going on around here. I hope you are all having a great week and planning a fabulous weekend coming up. It's already hot as Hades here, so I'm planning my entire weekend around air conditioning!
Take care!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
Wow! Wow! and Wow! EVerything's coming up rose. And good luck to Baby Boy, not that he'll need luck, I'm sure.
Don't worry, he'll do fine on the tests. After he finishes testing, could you send him up here, please, because KJ still scares the hell out of me when he drives. It's not a matter of ability or skills, but a matter of FOCUS!
We soooo need to get together to alternately cry and be proud of our babies growing up.
Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness! Driving and college entrance exams? It's all just too much, too soon. My hormones are all up in a wad today, or something, because reading that made me get misty. Well, if Baby Boy gets wanderlust, and decides to drive his moms to say...North Carolina, or somewhere...or your air conditioning goes on the fritz, and you need a little relief...or your mom decides that sister's apt. isn't the place for her...then we'd love the company!!
I'm not lazy!!! Just very busy!!!
Baby boy is Driving??? WOW! About time to call him Big Boy..
Good luck with your mom.. (((HUGS)))
Driving like nobody's business, mom's moving out, and fresh green beans. I love it all.
Wow - Baby boy sure IS growing up! Driving and college?!!!
I'm glad that things are settling down with your mom, and that maybe you'll be getting some 'breathing room.'
We finally got our garden started, too. I'm hoping it takes off fast. I'm hungry! (LOL)
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