Early this morning just as the sun was rising . . .
. . . I found this adorable little intruder dining on some of Mom #2's romaine lettuce in her garden.
By the time I wiped the sleep from my eyes, got over my shock, ran in and found my camera, and came back out and focused it . . . Thumper was done dining and just wondering how he could safely get the heck out of dodge.
In case you're wondering, he's inside the chicken wire surrounding our garden, and I'm outside.
He's so cute, but something is definitely wrong with this picture, LOL.
Maybe Mom #2 needs to get some cute-little-bunny-rabbit-wire. ;-)
Everyone have a great holiday weekend!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
I love the little bunnies, even when they eat my lettuces. So cute!
Bunnies like carrots, too. Perhaps Mom #2 should plant a few of those.
I mean, you want him to have a well-balanced diet, right?
Bunnies are cute but hell on the vegetables.
I cannot BELIEVE how many bunnies there are this year around our place. I wonder if there are fewer coyotes around or something to allow a bunny population explosion. Cute little buggers but stupid.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
So the wire was to keep out the bunnies? Or something else? Cause I'm thinking it might need to be returned to Home Depot if it was supposed to be bunny proof!! ;)
As my niece would say, that bunny is "ador-dable!"
They do wreck havoc, though, huh? Bunnies and veggies, squirrels and bulbs... Rodents and plants are a bad combo.
How can something so destructive be so darn cute???
Haaaaaaa I'm a sucker for bunnies ...
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