. . . How the Mom visit went. Right?
Well, I must admit. It went great!
As you know, I did get up early and enlist the assistance of my entire family and we scrubbed the house from top to bottom. I like to think I keep a fairly clean house anyway, but both my Mother and Father are military veterans and cleanliness is truly only next to Godliness in their eyes. All my growing-up years, I was held to an extremely high cleanliness standard.
Check this out, she actually said these exact words right out loud, "Everything just looks and smells so clean and fresh!"
Yippee!!! I was giddy; simply delirious with joy! I know it sounds weird, but seriously, in my opinion, there is no higher compliment.
Also, to add to the festivities, Mom was in a bright and beautiful mood, speaking clearly and coherently, and was not interested in converting me to her religion.
She managed to have a lovely visit with me, Mom #2, Baby Boy, and even Baby Doggy and didn't get on any one's nerves. I'm just so glad it's done and over with. I know that each and every visit is unique and just because this one went great, it doesn't mean they all will. In fact, with her particular mental illness, odds are the next one will be awful, but I'm not letting my mind go there today. Today I'm going to be happy.
As proof of the great time we had . . . here's a photo Mom #2 took on the sly while the rest of us were rocking out to a little Guitar Hero World Tour (or at least attempting to rock out, LOL).
In the end, she did talk me into going with her to a Mary Kay training class with her. I let her use me as her make-over dummy. (Oh, I forgot to tell you, since she quit her job, she's a Southern Baptist minister by day and a Mary Kay salesperson by night - it's quite an existence she's carved out for herself.) She actually did a pretty good job, I was impressed.
Of course, now I'm on the prowl to see if any of my IRL friends want to come over for a Mary Kay party. This is a little more stress than I had planned on bringing on myself, but it's for a good cause - keeping my Mother from moving into my guest room.
SO . . . if any of y'all want to buy any Mary Kay products, drop me a line, I've got the hook-up.
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
So glad it went well. That's a great picture!
Good luck on keeping your guest room for guests :-).
A huge YEAH on your successful visit! So glad all that elbow grease paid off! "SBC minister by day and Mary Kay salesman by night" - - I think if Fox were looking hard enough, there would be a really successful new hour-long drama in there somewhere! :0)
Whew! I'm glad things went well. Hopefully the good times can help you get through the rough ones.
I'm so glad that things went well for you all! My late MIL was bi-polar, and we never knew which side was going to show up at our house for visits. It's so hard to watch them suffer.
That photo of you is so happy, though. Cherish all of the GOOD moments!
(sorry - I'm having trouble with duplicate comments tonight) :-(
Feel free to delete the duplicates!
I love that picture! Glad it went well.
hehe, you were all rocking hard.
Oh, and you have been tagged ;-).
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