I'll start from the beginning . . . I recently commented to my sister how I wish we could have a little snow around here because Baby Boy and my Baby Niece have never seen any.
In fact I even commented on both Michelle's and :)De's blogs that I was extra jealous of the beautiful pictures of their children playing in the snow.
So . . . I get up yesterday morning with errands to run and because it was already 85 degrees at 8:30 in the morning, I left the house wearing these shoes, a wardrobe staple here in the South.
Baby Boy and I ran errands, went to tae kwon do, had lunch, did some school work and picked up Mom #2 from work. We had dinner and settled in for a night of family fun. A regular old day in the neighborhood . . .
. . . or was it?
Suddenly in the middle of the night, the phone rings. Mom #2's brother calls us up and screams into the phone, "Wake up Baby Boy and go outside . . . IT'S SNOWING!"
What? Snow? In Central Texas?
But sure enough . . . we went outside and this is what we saw . . .
I know it isn't much to some of you . . . but it's the most I've seen in years.
So, in celebration, Mom #2 made us some of these . . .
. . . And we all sat up and watched The Weather Channel so that we could see what the heck was going on. Sure enough, the last time we had this much snow in December in Central Texas was in 1996 . . . over 10 years ago!
Sadly, when we got up this morning . . .it was all gone.
But we sure had fun last night . . . you know . . . looking out the window . . . because I forgot that when it snows outside . . . it gets COLD.
Brrrrr! How do y'all do it?
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
Wow!!! I was excited for Baby Boy and the experience of seeing snow, but man oh man...snow in Texas. I was just telling Kysha that I think I am a Texan trapped in a Northern State.
I actually remember that snowstorm in central TX in '96. One of my best girlfriends moved to Houston that year - after growing up in the frozen nightmare that is Iowa - and said, "OMG you won't believe it. It snowed something like an inch, and they've closed THE WHOLE CITY." It was all a very funny joke at the time, since around here we're used to driving to work in freezing rain and hail and furious blizzards. But then later it occurred to me that they probably don't have a lot of snow plows at the ready in Houston. Or snow chains for the truck tires. Or drivers who are used to driving on ice. So, it kinda made sense.
Glad you all got the chance to see some snow, even if it wasn't enough to build snowmen with. :)
Aww! Hooray for snow! It's the bestest! I MISS it. Living in Delaware is like being in a foreign land for a New Englander like me.
But ending up in Alaska next year... Heh heh. It's a "be careful what you wish for" situation, I think.
I hate the snow. I hate the snow. I hate the snow
I also hate the cold and by 'cold' I mean anything less than 72 degrees.
I think that this all stems from when I was in high school. We lived a tad bit inside the walk-to-school zone, and so everyday in the winter I bundled up in:
a sweater
a zip up jacket with hood
one scarf for the neck and chest
another scarf for the face
a thick and long winter jacket
a wool hat
a pair of thick socks
a plastic baggy
another pair of thick socks
Then I had to walk two miles in knee deep snow, slush, ice and bitterly cold howling winds.
Of course there were good times too like building an igloo, speeding down a hill on a sled and.... and....
We got snow here a couple years ago. I tried to get James to go outside and play so I could get pictures. He spent about 5 secs. Snow.is.cold.
I got pictures of the dog.
First of all LOVE the pretty toes... MOM#2 is awesome with the coco.. I am glad Baby Boy had fun.. Now is the time to grab a pair of fancy snow boots!
I lived in Killeen TX in 96 and remember the snow. (well more like slush/ice). They actually canceled school the next day!
We got snow too. I see this was your fault then. :) My ds was so happy, I was not. I moved south for a reason. But today it's all gone.
ps. yes, ds know who Rambo is, unfortunately.
Have a blessed day.
How fun to see snow for the first time, and in Texas, wow!
That is AMAZING!
We lived in SanDiego for a few yeaqrs, and it hailed there one - hard enough that it looked like snow. It was SO funny to see people so excited over a 'dusting.'
Y'all can come back here and haul it away by the truckload as far as I'm concerned...take it ALL! ;-)
(But you might want to bundle up 'cause it's supposed to be -20 tonight!) :-O
Glad you had fun while it lasted!
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