I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas. We had a wonderful time.
We went to Mom #2's parents' house for breakfast (delicious bacon, homemade waffles, and homemade biscuits and gravy) and then to my sister's house for dinner. Dinner was potluck style since my sister doesn't really cook. We brought the turkey. (I simply must laugh every time I say that we brought the turkey to Christmas dinner - LOL)
This is the first super-big holiday since my mom and dad have separated, and Dad in true difficult man fashion, showed up very late and then refused to eat, but we had a good time anyway.
Here's a photo of us all sans Dad at my sister's house. Mom #2's family doesn't really take the time to do photos, but I hope to change that in the upcoming new year. They are very nice people, just more private, I guess.

Baby Boy got everything he wanted for Christmas. *Santa* heard his many powerful prayers and came through like a champ on the Nintendo Wii.
Actually it's for the entire family. We have been having so much fun playing it. My whole body is sore! I haven't moved around this much in months. It may actually have been the smartest gift we could have given/received this Christmas.
Baby Boy also received a new formal white tae kwon do uniform. He wears the casual black uniforms for every day classes/training, but the formal uniform for belt and phase testing each quarter. Last quarter his uniform was looking a little dingy and small, so a new one was definitely in order. He seemed pleased with it.
I received gift certificates for professional massages, manicures, and pedicures. I am so happy and excited! These are the things I have given up in light of our recent financial troubles. Now I can go without feeling guilty because they are pre-paid. Hallelujah! There is a God!
Mom #2 is back to work today, well not really, but she did go in to check on some jobs she was finishing up before Christmas and getting an ETA on some work to come after the holidays. Just keep us all in your hearts and minds this coming New Year. It seems like we're always on the brink of financial disaster, but have managed this far and won't be giving up anytime soon.
Baby Boy and I are taking two weeks off from school so I have none of those details and no curriculum reviews for you today. In fact he's finally sleeping in today. He's been getting up at the crack of dawn everyday, I guess just typical Christmas excitement.
I'm going to use this vacation to take a little time to reflect on what my New Year's resolutions will be, deep clean the house (or not), get some advanced lesson planning done for our home school, and take a good hard look at our family budget (YUCK!). I'm also going to try to free up a little extra change to get fireworks for New Years Eve - Yes we're one of THOSE families.
Anyway, I hope every one's holiday was wonderful and peaceful, full of family togetherness and love.
I'll try to get back on board before the New Year, but no promises. New Year's Day is also Mom #2's and my anniversary, so I'm trying to put together a little something for that.
So much to do... is two weeks vacation enough? I guess I'll find out.
Until next time . . .
Glad you had such a great Christmas! Your family is just beautiful!!
Violet got a WII also, and Mr. Incredible has been complaining how sore he's been the last few days. I think I'm figuring out why! :)
We went to my cousin's house for Wii bowling right after they got theirs. Two or three hours of bowling, and I couldn't even move my shoulder the next day! At least it's better than sitting on your butt zoning out to the screen, right?
Glad you had a great Christmas!
We got a Wii also. I can't seem to get them off it. They got Guitar Hero to go with it. Talk about hours of horriable music (woops I mean fun)..... Happy New Year, and Happy Anniversary to you and Mom #2
Oh, I want a WII too! My dh got the XBOX 360 last year and now he's wishing that he had the WII instead. It seems like so much more fun.
My oldest was in taekwondo years ago and has been recently pondering over taking it up again. We will have to check our budget because right now, our budget is even on a budget. Ha!
We are using Blessed Heritage for the younger ones right now but I am going to incorporate the junior high level into my oldest one's US History studies in the upcoming year. He has never formally studied AA history so I think it will be great as a supplement.
As for homemade gifts, yes, the grandparents have EVERYTHING but I think they could always welcome more money. Ha! (me too!)
Have a blessed day and a very blessed New Year. BTW, do you have any fancy plans?
That looks like a fantastic Christmas! I love the uniform shot! And wow, gift certificates for massages, drool! Have a great New Year and anniversary!
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