Well I'd like to say that I successfully completed two VERY intense presentations at school over the last couple of weeks. One in Spanish, OMG, that was tough. The other was presenting a research poster on a project I've been working on all semester. It was so intense and scary. I hate speaking in front of groups, especially when I'm supposed to be an expert on something and I feel like a blubbering idiot on the subject, LOL. But look, I'm still alive . . . I'm battling hell week right now, but that's ok, after this, it'll be over.
One reason I was able to get through the last week was because of some great advice and just a general friendly listening ear from one of my very best blogging buddies, Freakmom. Thanks to her years of experience speaking in front of groups, she really helped me calm my nerves and get the job done. I was all ready to send her a thank-you email, when something super special showed up in my mailbox.
It's a real live handmade knitted from scratch scarf! I've never had anyone sit down and actually make something with their own two hands while thinking of me. I just about burst into tears when I saw it. It's just the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. It really made my whole day/week/month/year/lifetime.
It got here just in time too, because it's been freakishly cold here in Central Texas. You know, I don't do well when the temperature falls below 65 degrees. That's hibernating weather to me!
This is how my face looks with no make-up. Don't allow your small children to look directly into the computer screen, they may turn to stone. Grownups, you can just ignore it if you like. How do you like my Merry Christmas Rudolph pajamas? We're already in full-fledged Christmas mode right now.
Anyway, What a Freaky Fresh start to the Christmas season.
Thanks, Freakmom!
Until next time . . .

Congratulations on your educational success and how sweet of Freakmom to give you a hand in preparing for your presentations. Public speaking is scary, but I'm sure you aced it!
What an awesome surprise, it looks great on you! And everyone should look so good without makeup, you have nice even skin tone.
I'm so glad you like it. You look beautiful in it! I wasn't sure what color to use, but it looks like I picked out a good one.
I'm glad you survived your speaking! Hopefully you won't have any next semester, but if you do, you can do it! You can do anything!
Have a wonderful Christmas and stay warm and toasty!
Gorgeous! Love it! And thanks for the morning laugh! Turn to stone indeed! haha! Great picture, beautiful scarf and well done on all the hard work! Hugs xoxoxox
You did it! Congratulations on making it through. You've earned that pajama time and then some, so enjoy. The scarf looks great -- an awesome color for you, with or without make-up. :-)
You're beautiful! And so is the scarf.
Those are some cute pajamas! And Rudolph is wearing a pink scarf too!
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