The fall 2011 semester is nearing the home stretch, as the penultimate exams have been archived and the amount of work is steadily decreasing.
My progress in the classes have been on a steady high note the last few weeks and I am determined to come out of it all with the best grades possible. In addition to this, I have already registered for another onslaught of classes for the upcoming spring 2012 semester. It makes the small break between the two seem like the calm before the ultimate storm. . .
It is a bit too soon to worry myself with the details of spring, my energy must be fully focused on ending on a high note for the task at hand!
As of today, there are officially 30 days left in the semester. We're in the Home Stretch! I don't know where the heck Baby Boy is going to school, because my classes are getting increasingly difficult and they are demanding more work at the end of the semester than they ever did at the beginning. Don't even talk to me about finals . . . the horror!
I'm beginning to accept that I won't be getting straight As this semester. I'm working like a runaway slave just to keep a B in statistics and I seem to be headed for a B in astronomy as well. I might get an A in Spanish, but I still don't seem to speak Spanish. I read and write Spanish well enough, but I was hoping I'd actually learn to speak Spanish. I'm not that fond of my Spanish professor this semester. She's a very nice lady, but her teaching style (lecture) and my learning style (lots of participation) don't jive. I'm going to make sure to steer clear of her for Spanish IV. I have to give a full-fledged presentation in Spanish in a couple of weeks in front of my considerable-sized class. My whole body goes into a dry heave just thinking about it. I don't do well speaking in front of groups. *SIGH* I'm not sure, but I'm almost positive I don't do well speaking in Spanish in front of groups, LOL. We'll see.
Anyway, I'm on a tangent, as usual. Mostly I'm looking forward to Winter Break and getting into the Holiday swing.
Did I mention that three beautiful little fairies came to visit us for Halloween? Well, they did. Aren't they precious?
Too cute!
So, needless to say, I'm trying not to obsess too much over school and enjoy the other joys of life.
Until next time . . .

Hang in there... the fact that you're going to college is just amazing to me. I'd applaud but I have two winter splits in the fingers on my right hand so you'll have to settle for a salute.
The fairies are just gorgeous. :)
The fairies are adorable!
And the thought of even signing up for college classes gives me dry heaves, so you're way ahead of me -- at least you're in the class!
The fairies are adorable!!!
My sister in law says she learned to speak Spanish working in restaurants in Chicago. She'd hang out in the kitchen and talk to the guys.
I'll e-mail you with encouragement on public speaking. it is 100% against my nature, yet I do it frequently for work.
Those are the cutest little fairies!
(But Oh MY goodness have they gotten so BIG!)
I don't know how juggle everything. You are superwoman!
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