My back hurts. A lot.
I can sit fairly comfortably, but standing and walking are pretty much out of the question. It hurts.
I've been hemming and hawing for the past few days trying to pretend it doesn't hurt, but . . . it hurts.
I can't really figure out why it hurts. I wasn't doing anything rash like the last time I threw my back out. In fact, Baby Boy and I have been doing a lot of nothing during our Winter Break from classes. It's been heavenly.
Yesterday I decided to go to the doctor who sees the pathetically destitute and uninsured for same day appointments. Mom #2 had to work, so I hobbled myself over there, tried to find a comfortable position to sit in with those nasty-hard-waiting-room-chairs, and then proceeded to further humiliate myself by not being able to follow the perky blond nurse very well as she skipped along in front of me to the doctor's office (you know, once she finally called my name.)
I did all of that so that the doctor could come into the examining room and in sixty seconds flat call me fat (which I am, but still . . . the nerve), tell me that since I had injured my own back (in 2008, on purpose, don't you know), that he is refusing to treat me. He said that even though that was over two years ago, and I have had no incidents of back pain since then, this is now a chronic condition and can only be treated by a Pain Management Center.
Oh, and the pièce de résistance - he also mentioned that the only Pain Management Center that would even consider working within the financial terms I can afford is . . . [drum roll please] . . . about 100 miles away.
With the price of gas these days - AS IF!
So, in conclusion, my back hurts.
We'll just leave it at that for now.
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
Oh, honey! There is no excuse for that doctor's rudeness, no not ever. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience, and I'm hoping your back feels better very, very soon.
I've been there, and it is a miserable place to be. I'm so sorry. Sometimes a chiropractor has sliding rates that go all the way down to zero.
I'm very careful not to swear in someone's comment section. I have no problem dropping f bombs all over the place on my own blog.
Could I have that doctor's phone number? I want to, um... oh yeah.. invite him to dinner.
I'm not going to call him an arrogant asshole or anything like that.
What a jerk. I'm so sorry that you had to experience not only a bad back, but an bad attitude from the doctor. Argh!
I have a bad back too and often nothing works, but time. Best of luck and try to feel better.
What on earth?! Sounds like somebody pissed in Dr. Happy's Cheerios...
Please do try to locate a chiropractor who will work with you. Maybe a few trips to the local therapeutic massage school to have some of the students work on you? Some arnica and hot water bottles or a heating pad. You need to regain your strength so you can go kick that jerk's rear-end.
HA HA @Ami... I was thinking a phone call to him to "encourage" him to be more polite would be in order. Hope you find relief!
What a horrible man! I hope you can find someone to help you - that's just wrong. And, do give Ami that number.
GRR!! What a jerk!! I injured my back years ago. I find that what reinjures it is the most mundane of activities. It's truly annoying.
HOpe it's better soon.
^%$#@& ^%$$%#
Hugs !
Are you freakin' serious? He REFUSED to treat you? I'm thinking litigiously at the moment, so forgive me if my suggestion is to sue for discrimination and get enough to cover a REAL doc. That is so ridiculous. I've had back problems on and off since my 20's so I truly "feel your pain." Hope you feel better soon, lady!
Uh ... I'm one of those people who doesn't even know what to say here, because this is so completely outrageous. I've met some jerks in my time, but this guy is right up there among the jerkiest!
I'm not fully up on the American medical system, but I hope you can find a proper doctor very soon! Feel better soon....
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