Since we never get snow in this part of Texas, we like to make a little Winter Wonderland of our own around the Holiday Season.
Since you've already dropped in, why not dust off your feet and take a tour?
Go ahead and hum Winter Wonderland to yourself while you enjoy the attractions. It'll seem more real, if you do. I don't like blogs with music, so be sure to hum nice and loudly.
We really enjoyed having you. Thanks so much for dropping by!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
4 days ago
I feel so inadequate. The only decoration we have out right now is a gingerbread house.
Your house looks beautiful and very clean. I'll be over there in just a little bit, I need a break from mine.
It looks really nice!
James pointed out that this year we only put up the tree and the stockings. Usually it all comes out over Thanksgiving but we were traveling. I half heartedly offered to do it this weekend, but he gave me a pass. Hooray!
I love it, very classy.
I can't wait to be able to bring out all my decorations. For my sanity the last 3 years, I have kept my most precious things high in the closet. I have color themes too, just one of two colors a year.
It just isn't safe to leave a 3 and 1 year old alone with crystal, glass, or anything they can hang themselves with ;-).
I know I'm supposed to comment on holiday decorations, but I need to jump straight to those way cool prints of the dancers. I love them! Your holiday decorations are beautiful too!
Beautiful! I'll have to put up a few photos of our meager efforts. guys go all out!! I'm afraid we're not quite that festive, but we try to put a splash of Christmas in just about every room. I REALLY love your snowman toilet seat THAT'S a find!! :D
This is my kind of holiday visit. I didn't even have to worry about forgetting to bring the wine!
Very Festive! You guys have a wonderful Christmas!!
Thanks for the peek! Looks lovely!
What a lovely home!
It's so pretty and so clean!! I'm very jealous! LOL.
You make be feel so guilty. I still haven't even put up the tree! Tomorrow . . . I promise!
Very cool...I have to admit, though the tree is up we have not managed to do much else other than a little painting and baking.
WOW!! I think you have the cleanest house in all of Texas!!
Wonderful decorations...
I SO WISH we got SNOW here at Christmas. Living in Central Arkansas means we VERY RARELY see any snow. Love your Christmas House!
Thank you! I loved seeing your home and all its decked glory.
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