We've been going through some really tough times lately, but I hate to blog about bad news, so I've just been staying silent about the issues. I'm sure you all can get whining for free at home, so why come here for such silliness.
There is, however, the tiniest glimmer of hope appearing just above an extremely distant horizon.
Positive energy, good thoughts, prayers, chants about found baby birds, etc . . . all much appreciated.
I think I'll leave it at that.
Oh, and, of course, Happy Halloween!
Until next time . . .
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Let the Sun Shine In!
Posted by MOM #1 13 comments
Labels: family life
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
IT'S ALL GOOD!!!!!!!!
Today Mom #2 and I Baby Boy finally got the nerve to sign up and sit for his college entrance exam at the Community College.
He placed firmly exactly where we he thought he should . . . and all within college level classes.
It feels so good to know that after all of these years of following no real particular program and just doing whatever has worked for us, we didn't screw him up.
Now there's no denying it, we have a full-fledged college student in our midst. He'll be starting Spring Semester.
These days, I'm doing a lot of walking around in circles, wringing my hands, and crying for no good reason commingled with maniacal laughter.
The beginning of the end is certainly in plain unobstructed view.
What's a Homeschooling Mom to do?
Wait! This is supposed to be a happy post.
Ok, so I'll let this post be about Baby Boy's fantastic test results. I'll whine and cry in another post. Look out for that one very soon.
Until next time . . .

Posted by MOM #1 16 comments
Labels: homeschool
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So . . . Who's Buying the Cool Whip?
Here's just one more example of my precious Baby Boy growing up into a young man.
Remember when your kids had money burning a whole in their pocket and just couldn't wait to buy candy, soda, and silly trinket toys that broke in 30 minutes?
I know you remember. Shoot, it was just yesterday, it seems.
Well, Baby Boy had some hard earned money burning a whole in his pocket the other day and do you know what he bought?
Pumpkin pie ingredients!
Oh, that isn't he half of it. He then insisted someone . . . well Mom #2 . . . because I don't bake . . . bake him a pie. Then proceeded to eat it very noisily (think smacking and humming) in his room.
I mean seriously, what kind of child saves up their money to buy pumpkin pie ingredients?
I'll tell you, a well fed one. That's who.
Oh, yes. I am raising an independent young man.
The poor woman who has to be his wife had better have some mad kitchen skills, because between my dinners (Oh, they are delicious, if I do say so myself) and Mom #2's desserts (heavenly) . . . this one is spoiled rotten. ;-)
And he's always hungry. Always.
Until next time . . .
Posted by MOM #1 13 comments
Labels: just for fun
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Really! Me? OVER THE TOP . . .
Well . . . my good Blogging Buddy, Ami, must think I am . . . because she passed this fantastical award on to me.
She's one of those bloggers who manages to post every single day. So that's what makes her "over the top" to me . . . I must be over the top in other ways. What way? Who knows. I tend to be a little wordy. Does that count?
Anyway, as with all of the bloggy awards . . . they come with terms and conditions ;-)
The rules of this award are as follows:
- Answer the questions below using only one word. Oy, ve!
- Thank the blogger who gave it to you. Thanks, Ami.
- Pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers. Usually I skip out on this part, but there are a few blogs that I'm really enjoying lately, so I'll pass it on . . . but if you don't want to participate I won't stop liking you . . . very much. ;-)
2. Your hair? Curly
3. Your mother? Delusional
4. Your father? Complicated
5. Your favorite food? Buttery
6. Your dream last night? ZZzzzzz . . .
7. Your favorite drink? Water
8. Your dream/goal? Lottery
9. What room are you in? Living
10. Your hobby? Blogging
11. Your fear? Invisibility
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Secure
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something you aren't? Skinny
15. Muffins? Delicious
16. Wish list item? Car
17. Where did you grow up?
18. Last thing you did? Laugh
19. What are you wearing? Capris
20. Your TV? Naturally
21. Your pets? Beloved
22. Your friends? Virtual
23. Your life? Treasured
24. Your mood? Blase'
25. Missing someone? Nah
26. Vehicle? Functional
27. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
28. Your favorite store? Target'
29. Your favorite color? Red
30. When was the last time you laughed? Now
31. Last time you cried? Tuesday
32. Your best friend? Spouse
33. One place that I go over and over? Potty
34. One person who emails me regularly? Sister
35. Favorite place to eat? Home
Teacher Tom - I have only recently began reading his blog. He is fun and insightful and has an artistic and optimistic view of life.
Freakmom - I have such a virtual crush on her, it's not even funny. She and her daughter, Violet, are having great fun on their homeschooling journey.
Hula Hank - My favorite Australian functioning alcoholic blogger. I'm laughing myself silly reading about his transplantation from city life to country life through martini flavored glasses.
Jennifer in Vancouver - This is another recent discovery. Beautiful children being homeschooled by two moms. A family after my own heart. And Canadian. Tres' Chic'!
:)De - Such a treasure! A mom several times over through adoption and she posts beautiful stories and work by her rainbow flavored kiddie corral.
Yvonne - Another curly headed matriarch of a multi-racial family. Her blog is witty, whimsical, creative and insightful. A fantastic read.
Until next time . . .

Posted by MOM #1 11 comments
Labels: just for fun
Monday, October 5, 2009
One Reason I Love Him . . .
After a morning like this, I get shadow boxed for the rest of the day. I'm Mom, not a punching bag. Giving me a big hug after punching me does not make it any better, Baby Boy.
The black belt is so close we can taste it now.
Have a great week!
Until next time . . .

Posted by MOM #1 6 comments
Labels: just for fun, photo
Friday, October 2, 2009
What's Going On . . .
I didn't want to let Friday get past me again without a homeschool update . . . so here goes:
- Composition - Baby Boy has been writing stories in the three paragraph model showing introduction and rising action, climax, and then resolution and moral. He wrote a very interesting story this week about a couple of velociraptors. He's still working on editing it, and will type it over the weekend. I'm going to try to get it posted here next week so y'all can read it.
- Vocabulary - We learned several new words this week and Baby Boy did great on his quiz. Another quiz is scheduled for next week, so I'm keeping him on his toes. Have I mentioned how much I love the Vocabulary Cartoons books? They are great for casually increasing your vocabulary. I've even gotten some insight on words I thought I already knew, and that's always interesting.
- Literature - We finished reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. It was really good. Not as scary as I remember from when I was in high school and Baby Boy didn't think it was scary at all. It does have lots of twists, turns, tangents and sub-plots and that's really what makes this book such an interesting read. We also watched the version of the Frankenstein movie that has Robert De Niro as the Monster. The movie did hold pretty true to the book up until the last 30 to 45 minutes, when the movie maker took some obvious artistic licence, but it was still very good. It isn't a super-scary horror movie, much to my delight and Baby Boy's chagrin. It does have a few extremely graphic scenes and earned it's "R" rating honestly. Next week we'll be doing some analyzing and comparing and contrasting before moving on to our next novel, which will be H. G. Well's The War of the Worlds.
- Pre-Calculus - We're working polynomial functions, specifically graphing quadratic equations and rewriting them in and from various forms. All I can say about this subject is that it has gotten very hard very fast. Actually, Baby Boy is fully capable of doing the work, but it takes a lot more time and concentration then he is used to investing in his math work. He is used to just glancing at the lesson and calling it a day, but this requires him to actually slow down and study. So . . . I've slowed down the lessons a bit and I'm interspersing them with algebra 1 and 2 worksheets to make sure his algebra foundation is strong as he continues with the pre-calculus. Also, we'll be taking the SAT pretty soon and I don't want him to forget anything, so it's a win-win for me. He doesn't think it is for him, but he'll thank me one day. Not necessarily soon . . .but one day. I guarantee.
- Chemistry - I finally got the 411 on what's going on in the chemistry co-op. So far they've learned about kinetic particle theory, measurement techniques, purification and separation, and element compounds and mixtures - which included a "trial by fire" introduction to the Periodic Table. Coming up this week they'll be studying atomic structure and there is a lab scheduled which includes burning magnesium. That's a courageous lady running the show over there. That's all I have to say. Well that and THANK YOU, because I never ever could.
If you've read this far, thanks for tuning in. If not, I certainly understand. It's one of those things in life that simply must be done. I mean, if you don't give yourself and your kid a virtual report card via a public blog . . . how can you be a homeschooler? ;-)
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Until next time . . .

Posted by MOM #1 12 comments
Labels: homeschool, weekly report