It certainly seems that we moved into this bigger house just in the nick of time; Mom has been released into my care.
(Being the oldest certainly has it's privileges ;-).
We're delicately navigating the issues of her illness. The hospitalization calmed the situation, but definitely didn't eliminate it. We'll be attending weekly psychiatric as well as psychology appointments.
Mom is not to be left alone; she is not to drive; she is to have medication administered daily under close supervision.
Today we've had a pleasant day so far. Mom came along to our monthly homeschool bowling trip. She also watched Baby Boy do some fancy footwork in tae kwon do and then we took a nice leisurely walk around the block.
As much as I usually like being bossy, let me tell each and every one of you this in no uncertain terms: It is positively against the laws of nature for a woman in her 30's to be in an authoritative position over her 50-something year old Mom. I keep having to gather all of my gumption when I tell her that she cannot teach Sunday School or lead her Women's Ministry Group or jump into her car and go where she wants to go.
She has not accepted that she is sick, but I hope she will soon. I wouldn't have her any other place than here. This woman, no matter what her issues, gave me life. She is the reason I am the woman I am today, for better or for worse.
I just hope she gets better.
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
1 day ago
You're a better daughter than I would be. I just don't think I could care for my mentally ill mother. You're a saint!
Girl, you are awesome! Be encouraged!
Wow! You are a good woman. I mean a really good woman. Once again, I bow down. I'm wishing you strength for the journey ahead.
You are a rock.
You and Mom #2 are both amazing. What a wonderful supportive person she must be.
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this.
You are a wonderful daughter....
PLEASE make time for yourself... Have Mom#2 draw you a bubble bath and feed you chocolate...
That's a HUGE thing! I hope you all can find a good new rhythm and make it work. ((()))
Many hugs to you! I do understand. The roles of my mom & me have changed. I try and tell her what to do in a way it doesn't make her feel she has lost all her freedom. Plus, at times I have to detach myself from the situation. It's hard to explain, but I feel you will do fine. If you need me in anyway feel free to. You can vent, cry, ask questions or whatever else. Just remember to take it one day at a time!!
Double Hugs!
I understand, to some extent, what you are going through. I've been very responsible for my father during his 2 surgeries, although not to the point where he has had to live with me.
You and your family are in my thoughts, and I'm sending you positive energy and wishing you all the best!
Wow. Just wow. I'm pretty sure I would fold under that kind of stress, so I am so inspired by you today. Really sending out BIG thoughts and prayers for serenity and even joy in the midst of these stressful circumstances.
That must be so difficult - but you are a STRONG lady and a wonderful daughter...and I know that you will get through this. You're in my prayers!
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