Thanks to everyone who has commented and emailed regarding how we're all doing over here.
Everything is going along pretty good. We are slowly but surely finding the new maddening chaos rhythm that is our lives. Baby Boy came through his surgery without a hitch and with him being young and in terrific shape, he's back to normal like nothing ever happened.
I've been severely pressed for time with all the running hither-thither-and-yon I've been doing. Mom is seeing both a psychologist and psychiatrist and I drive her to her appointments, so that takes up a big portion of my day. Oh, and don't forget, I'm still attempting to home-educate my son (HA!!!)
The main thing that has me short on blog posts these days is that I've sort of permanently donated/given/loaned my laptop to Mom so that she can stay the heck out of my way while I homeschool check on her Mary Kay website and read her emails. ;-) If I want to post, read, pay bills, etc . . . I have to literally get up, go into the office/classroom, and use the desktop computer. Because I've been trying to catch up on my Young and the Restless spend quality time with Baby Boy and Mom #2 whenever I get a spare moment, blog posts have become scarcer and scarcer, but do rest assured that I am thinking of you all. Your encouragement is highly cherished and I do appreciate it. I have been dropping by all of your delicious blogs (oh, I LOVE reading blogs) even though I don't stick around long enough to comment . . . I do speed-read through them . . . so feel free to keep you posts short and sweet, if you can. I know I can't talk, because here at Two Moms' Homeschool, long winded is the rule, not the exception, LOL.
So keep the positive energy flowing, and take good care of yourselves!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
3 days ago
You sound upbeat through it all! You and your family pop into my thoughts often; I'm so glad that Baby Boy is doing well since his surgery! (I know how it feels to send your darling into the hands of the doctors and wait for the news that all went well.)
Lots of love and positive energy coming your way!
So glad to hear the surgery went well!
Wishing you strength!
I'm so glad you posted, I was about to comment again and see if anything was wrong. Good news that it's *busy with life* and not anything bad!
I hear you on the doctor's visits, if I had a dollar for every appt. I'd taken Grandmother too I would be a rich rich woman!
Keep on truckin' girl!
Thanks for the update! Sounds like you're managing life pretty well right now. Great news about Baby Boy's surgery and quick recovery. Hang in ther.
Hugs and blessings still coming your way! I'm glad not all is too bad, but do understand being pressured for time!
Take care!
Sooooo glad you finally posted something!
It sounds like your life is really busy... certainly much busier than I want to be!
Glad to hear things are well! After a week I was starting to get worried!!
Sending thoughts and prayers to you all!!!!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to give us an update! I'm so impressed with your self-control. I can sacrifice with the best of 'em, but it would be well nigh impossible for me to give up my laptop. You are a ROCK, woman!!!
Well, keep that smile on your face and drop us a post every once in a while so we know how you're doing.
Believe me...I know how things are when your life is turned topsy-turvy! ;-)
I'm glad to hear that Baby Boy is doing well, and that you are hanging in there.
I hope that things settle down for you, and that Summer brings you a nice, long break!
YAY for the psychiatrist appointments. I really hope it helps your mom (and you).
Glad the surgery went well too. :)
Sometimes crazy business is a GOOD thing, especially when you're too busy to notice how busy you are. I'll be checking in and thinking of you and your family.
I have a little something at my blog to add a little Sun Shine in your day!
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