Today we went to homeschool bowling and for some reason absolutely no one in Baby Boy's age group showed up. No one at all. That has never happened in all the years we've been going. Of course out of about 30 children, only about 5 are teenage boys. They usually talk and laugh and enjoy getting to have a lane all to themselves.
Today . . . This was the official Teen Boy's Team.

I'll just let everyone know right now that all of my previous bowling experience consists of playing Wii bowling.
Uhmmm . . . suffice it to say that bowling for real is very different, LOL, and my score was living proof. No other comment necessary.
And as if that wasn't enough, we went on to tae kwon do and this was the entire class.

I mean, do we have cooties, or what? I guess it's just one of those days.
Anyway, I thought it was funny and I thought I'd share. Carry on with your lives, LOL.
Until next time . . .

You know, we have a lot of trouble getting kids in Baby Boy's age group to our group as well. Well, I shouldn't say that, there's a whole teen group, but that doesn't work so well for those who have multiple kids. So, those who come to the park end up being the younger spectrum. It's meant for all ages but the older kids don't want to come and it's hard for family's with multiple ages (not my problem :-) ).
It's like private lessons all day!
Nothing like Private lessons for group prices hey? LOL
I was also going to say "Girl you are fast" you commented on my weekly report before I even posted it was up! Are you watching me?? LOL
You know, I normally don't associate with people that have cooties. Highly contagious stuff. But I figured my chances of contracting it over the internet were reasonably low, so it's probably safe to leave a comment.
Even if you sucked at bowling, I'm sure it was fun just hangin' out with your boy. :) Usually when I bowl, I start out bad and get steadily worse and worse as my arm gets more tired and my shoulder is thrown out. So you're not the only one.
You two are just too darn cute.
Homeschool bowling?!?! I am very intrigued. Is this for a PE credit?
But you know what? It sounds like the lack of a teen boys team was an excellent opportunity for a beautiful bonding moment between you and baby boy.
Ack! Cooties!
Then again, it seems like everyone around me is "coming down with something", except me. So maybe everybody ELSE has the cooties, and you are actually fortunate enough to avoid them?
That is such a beautiful photo of the two of you! (He certainly has your smile!)
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