First of all, I am beside myself today. I had planned on posting a fantabulous photo essay of everything we've been doing this past week. Unfortunately when I put my memory card into the reader slot today, I discovered I had about 7 pictures. 7. That's all. And they were all pretty much of the exact same thing to boot. I usually take about 4 or 5 pictures of the same thing because I suck am a mediocre photographer and it usually takes that many shots to get one that isn't blurry or has everyone in it with their eyes closed. So imagine my surprise when over 30 shots got pared down to 7. Needless to say. There will be no photo essay this week. Perhaps next time.
We had a nice little birthday party for Mom #2. Just family, ice cream cake from Basking Robbins, and a few gifts. What more could anyone want. Those photos have vanished into techno-purgatory somewhere. Can't find a single one of them.
Well Grand baby is fine. She's still alive and it seems even happy here. We are happy to have her most days and really wish her Mom would pull herself together on other days. We love her all days and I guess that's all that matters in the end. She's getting so big! Photos - gone.
Baby Boy had his final Ultimate Frisbee game this past week. They did such an excellent job. This was our first year participating in the sport. We have learned a LOT and it has been a lot of fun. We'll still have plenty of pick-up games and informal get togethers but this was the last game with our paid facilitator and drill coach. This has been such an awesome experience. This sport emphasizes teamwork, accountability for your own actions, self regulation, honesty, sharing, caring and a healthy competitive spirit without allowing it to be your single-minded focus. I didn't know much about it six months ago. But if you get the chance, participate. You won't be sorry you did. I had photos. . . refer to the above paragraph if you're seriously looking for them.
Oh, and I watched my niece on Thursday and Friday, so I had the Baby Boy, the grand baby, and the niece, who recently had mouth surgery, bless her little heart. A full on no-kill baby shelter if you will. All free for the asking. Where are those brownie points? I'm sure I should be getting an extra helping this week.
Oh, and Baby Boy had a small part in a great homeschool production of Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors. He only got a small part because he procrastinated forever deciding whether or no he even wanted to participate. In the end, I insisted sort of nudged him into participating. It's Shakespeare study, memory work, and public speaking all rolled up into one ~ a homeschooling Mom's dream. No way he was getting out of it. But the best part is that he ended up having a great time. He memorized all of his lines and participated whole heartedly. I love it when everything comes together. I DO have a photo of Baby Boy and his good friend on the set (which is just an activity room . . . don't mind the old fashioned quilt on the wall . . . we didn't).
Besides all that stuff I just talked about, I've been doing some lesson planning and trying to get them all entered into Homeschool Tracker. Love the program, but hate the set-up. I just keep telling myself how easy life will be for me when we start back up full steam ahead. I've used this program for about 3 years or so now. We have a love/hate relationship. I love it all year long, but I hate the summertime data entry, LOL.
That's it! That's my week in review. Sorry it's late. That's what time I do everything these days.
Have a great week!
Until next time . . .

May I ask you a question, dear mom #1? Why are you homeschooling your son? I'm just curious. I know there are lots of good reasons out there for it. But as a public educator, I find it very interesting when I hear the reasons.
Sounds like you are busy! Time for a brownie sundae and trip to Cancun!!!!
I hate when that happens! But, at least you have the memories to cherish. We haven't got to do any co-ops or enjoys things like this year. We had to drop out in the middle last year. I went to pick up a math book for KB and the kids at the co-op were learning Ball Room Dancing. KB would love to do that, but I guess that's sacrifice we have to make taking care of my mom. I'm glad Baby Boy landed up enjoying himself!!!
Aww...I'm sorry to hear about your camera. I have no luck with stuff like that, either.
(Oh...and those ice cream cakes are my FAVORITE!) Have an extra slice for me! ;-)
Loving the Shakespeare! You're an awesome mom, aunt, all that. sounds like you had a busy week.
You got a photo. That counts for something. I haven't even gotten to posting. Where does the time go?
Sounds like a great week. I had a friend really into Ultimate Frisbee in college and Frisbee golf. I made fun of him. But, that's just the kind of girl I am. He made fun back. Actually, in theory, it's my kind of sport, not too serious, like in the real world, but serious fun. But, I don't play sports. So, that would be purely theoretical.
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