I. may. be. getting. old.
Due to some serious grievous irresponsibility, my granddaughter is living with us Monday through Friday and going home to her Mom and Dad on the weekends. We won't get into the "who, what, when, where, and why's." That really is not my story to tell, so I won't.
I'm sure you've seen me post many pictures of said grandchild. She is beautiful and I love her. Her presence is extraordinary.
So this post is not about her. It's about me.
My son is 15. He is very independent. He doesn't like me all over him 24 hours a day. He and I are both sort of loners, we love our independent space. We sort of have a serendipitous ballet we do. We have a smooth and comfortable routine that we have perfected over the years.
That routine does not include mountains of diapers. That routine does not include tiny little bottles. That routine does not include a big heavy car seat. That routine does not include interrupted sleep.
Now. it. does.
This was week one. I appear to be alive. So I guess that technically means that I have survived. But I have not left the house. Next week I have several errands to run. I'm not sure exactly how long this arrangement will last, but several weeks are definitely in my immediate future.
Do all of you Moms of small children spend every living moment of your life in a state of sheer exhaustion? Is there a pill I can take for that?
I would appreciate everyone saying a little prayer for both me and our brand new precious bundle of joy. I think we'll both be needing it.
Until next time . . .

I am all over whatever your research finds. I am in your same position and I do NOT remember being this tired with my girls. I keep begging the girls not to teach the baby to crawl. Not sure what I will do when he is actually mobile. Keep me posted on the findings.
You can do it! I keep my great nephews all the time. When they are real little, they are actually easier to take care of once you and them get on the same routine.
Don't have no pill, but you can do it!!!
Good luck and remember to enjoy!
She is a beautiful baby! I bet you'll settle into a routine that includes her too. Then it will seem much easier. (((hugs))) until then.
A. You are not old.
B. Yes - it IS exhausting! No matter how sweet the child!
And I found that it is even moreso when you are accustomed to having an older child in your home, and then you bring in a younger one.
Being with my 5 1/2 year old? Easy as pie. Babysitting a 2 year old in addition to him? Hell.
But you WILL survive. Things get easier at about 6 months - less bottles, because of solid food. Then again, the diapers get real interesting too...
Oh, your post made me tired. I'm sorry that the baby's parents are having issues. That is very hard to take.
Good luck, Mom #1. I like you.
I highly recommended an I.V. drip of coffee. I'm just saying . . .
It also may be a good time for that baby care class you were planning for Baby Boy, especially the night time care portion.
Joking aside, baby stage is not my favorite, but it doesn't last long. You will get through it. She will become part of your routine. She will sleep more. That's why she's so cute, to get through this stage safely :-)
When Aron gets his permit, he can drive me around! LOL! He don't ever go very much, this will help him get out the house more. Now, as far as him getting his license, mmmmmmmmm, that's scary! Aron is a momma's boy also.
I'm really glad the little one has a safe place to be. Every baby should be so loved and cared for.
I don't have advice about how to handle the sleep deprivation and juggle responsibilities, since what I've done for the past 21 years or so is run late and yell a lot.
Coffee, Coffee, and more Coffee! That is how I survive...
You are NOT OLD.
It is wonderful that you can open your home to your grandaughter!
Remember coffee!
Just two things keep me going....love and Jesus. But with both of them...I can move mountains ( and you can, too!)
You're in my prayers!
You're not old, just out of practice. I recommend coffee, vitamins (not just for recouperating new mamas, they can really up your energy levels) and naps. When the next oldest child is 15, you don't have to worry about them eating a bottle of tylenol or something while they're unattended. You can nap whenever the baby does.
Good luck! I'm betting as soon as you get your sea legs again, it will be a piece of cake.
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