. . . I've been very busy because Mom #2 recently became a grandma.
Notice that Mom #2 became a grandma, I did not. I will not be a grandma for a very long time (well maybe not a very long time, but definitely not this past weekend).
Mom #2's daughter, well, she's my daughter too, and I don't mind being Mom to a grown woman, but I draw the line at being a grandmother well before I'm even 40. *SIGH* Well, this post is headed straight for the ditch, let me get back on track.
Our daughter, who lives out on her own, but is still very much a part of our loving family, had a beautiful baby girl this weekend. So we're spending time oooohhing and aaahhing and giving lots of unsolicited advice.

Until next time . . .

Oh, your girls took my breath away with their beauty! I am so sick of having babies but looking at that little darling . . . ugh! Congratulations!
Wow! Congratualations . . . Grandma. They are beautiful.
Congratulations, Granny. ;)
What a beautiful picture and a beautiful mom and baby.
Will you be Granny #2 or have you chosen a different title?
Oh, they are both beautiful! I know you are proud, Granny! LOL
That baby looks sooo alert... As if she's ready to throw that blanket off and take over the world!!!
Congrats to you all.
Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to your whole family!
Oh, they're both gorgeous! Congratulations!
Congratulations, they are both beauties! enjoy your weekend with the new baby.
Just wanted to let you know that we miss you!
Oh! She is just precious!!!
Also, thank you SO much for your kind words on MY blog regarding my daughter. Your prayers are truly appreciated.
Oh my, they are both gorgeous! Congratulations to BOTH you and Mom #2 on grandmotherhood.
She's beautiful. So's her mom. And face it, sweetie, you're a grandma. :P
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