Until next time . . .

Last week Baby Boy had surgery. Nothing major, as he does have this same procedure every year. Mom #2 and I always anxiously await biopsy results. For the first time in literally 10 years the biopsy found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. We're so excited! We feel like we have just witnessed our very own private Christmas miracle. There is usually a little something, often a lot of something, but we are extremely grateful for absolutely nothing. Hurray! I hope this positive trend is indicative of our fortune for the new year.
Even though no one in this family is Italian or Catholic, Mom #2 and I decided to have a Feast of Seven Fishes for Christmas Eve dinner this year. Why? Because we like seafood. It's yummy! We felt like doing something a little different from the same old thing . . . our families were VERY against any Christmas change in the Christmas day meal, so we're having our own pre-Christmas whatever-the-heck-we-want celebration on Christmas Eve with our family and Mom #2's daughter, son-in-law, and the three Fairies.
I have a 40 point cleaning list posted on the pantry door. All of those items must be done before a single guest is allowed to set foot in this house. We got about half of them done today, so that puts us right on schedule. Mom #2 and I have done almost all of our assignments. Baby Boy is procrastinating. Oh, the joys of being 18. If he thinks he'll enjoy one. single. moment of Christmas without getting his assigned cleaning duties completed, he has another think coming, I assure you.
Finally, Baby Boy experienced some natural consequences today. Because he procrastinated so much ordering a gift for his *ahem* *cough* girlfriend *cough* and it just got here today, he had to pay almost three times what I consider a reasonable amount to get it to her by Christmas, since she's not exactly local. Now he sees why I preach "The early bird gets the worm," all day and all night. Once again, the joys of being 18.
Nothing earth shattering. Just wanted to catch y'all up on everything that has been going on with us this Holiday Season.
I wish you all love, peace, and prosperity in everything you say, think, and do this Holiday Season!
Until next time . . .
Posted by MOM #1 8 comments
Labels: Christmas, family life, food
Last Thursday was the OFFICIAL last day of the semester for Baby Boy and me!!!
Since we're so darn proud of ourselves, we decided to have a victory meal. Baby Boy planned the menu as follows:
Posted by MOM #1 5 comments
Labels: Baby Boy Community College, just for fun, Mom #1 Community College, Mom #1 University, photo
Well I'd like to say that I successfully completed two VERY intense presentations at school over the last couple of weeks. One in Spanish, OMG, that was tough. The other was presenting a research poster on a project I've been working on all semester. It was so intense and scary. I hate speaking in front of groups, especially when I'm supposed to be an expert on something and I feel like a blubbering idiot on the subject, LOL. But look, I'm still alive . . . I'm battling hell week right now, but that's ok, after this, it'll be over.
One reason I was able to get through the last week was because of some great advice and just a general friendly listening ear from one of my very best blogging buddies, Freakmom. Thanks to her years of experience speaking in front of groups, she really helped me calm my nerves and get the job done. I was all ready to send her a thank-you email, when something super special showed up in my mailbox.
Posted by MOM #1 7 comments
Labels: Christmas, just for fun, Mom #1 Community College, Mom #1 University, photo