Guess what those papers were?
Brochures for universities . . .
in JAPAN!!!!!
Let this be a cautionary tale for you homeschooling Moms out there.
If you raise your kids to do very well in their studies and allow them to think that the world is their oyster and they can do anything they want as long as they are willing to work hard and sacrifice to get it . . . the whole she-bang could backfire on you. You could end up with a son who doesn't want to live in their bedroom for the rest of their natural lives.
They may actually want to branch out and have a life of their own.
Until next time . . .

You mean, when James says he's going to add a kitchen to his room and live there forever, it's not true?
Japan though. Wow. All that running around in ninja costumes.
Good luck to all of you!
NOW YOU TELL ME???? So PL's sudden interest in Italy might not just be passing? Oh dear.
How exciting for him!!! And bittersweet for you I know. :) Daughter talks about Australia all the time but she's at the age where I'm totally FINE with sending her butt to the other side of the world. LOL
Good job Mama, you raised a confident, strong young man!
Wow - going out of town is one thing, but Japan...? That is far all right! Keep us posted on how this decision goes!
I got some duct tape that you can use! ~Sigh~ "If they could just stay little til their Carters wear out" LOL!
Yikes! Makes my inter-state child seem a little closer! (((HUGS)))
Wow! I feel much better about KJ wanting to go to college in California now.
Mainland Japan or the smaller islands? You know they have programs he can join where he could come over and no have some of the fees *like an exchange type deal*. And then there is always a summer program, he could try it out and see if he really loves it or not. *And you would get the benefit of knowing he would have to return least for all of his stuff*. *Hugs*
He has the drive to go off and follow his passions, you clearly did something right, remember that.
That is totally cool!! Where in Japan does he want to study? We are here... You can pick one of my rooms, paint it and call it baby boys!! I will even move a comfy Japanese futon in there for when you come to Live (visit)...
But, my boys will live at home forever!!
Awesome! I get such a charge out of seeing young adults come into their own. Of course, I say that with mine tucked away safely in her room. Her day (and mine) will come, I'm sure.
I hope everything works out for you both!
WOW!!! How exciting and scary and exciting.
That's it! I'm stopping this "building self confidence" crap right this minute!! I CANNOT handle it backfiring on me. Off to remind Uber how much he loves and needs me now...
Oh, my!!! How fantastic and utterly terrible at the same time. You two moms should be so smug to have raised such an amazing man. I know you'll be sad, but what a testiment to you both. Bravo and boo-hoo!!
Just the thought kinda freaks me out!! Thanks for giving me one more thing to freak out about...argh!{..weak smile..}
I understand. I have one son in Japan, and one in Korea. Darn them for not wanting to stay tied forever. LOL One of them even dared to get married ! Shocking.
Hugs ! In all seriousness I know it is hard.
( I haven't been on much because of all that is going on in Japan. )
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