I finally did it today and made a good grade on it. So good, in fact, that it raised my average in that class from a high B to a low A. Now I just need to find a way to maintain it, LOL.
I've been struggling just to stay above water in that class, so I'm feeling fabulous today!
Go forth and enjoy SPRING. It's an ORDER!!
Until next time . . .

A "B" is just above water? Then, damn, you're INCREDIBLE! Congratulations on your great grade for the presentation. Keep up the good work, young lady!
You keep it up, you awesome woman, you.
You kick butt!!
I have a book called "I'd rather die than give a speech."
A sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with.
Go baby go!!!
Hip, hip, hooray!
Anyone who can give a presentation without taking sedative before hand is a winner in my book! Congrats!
Great job!! Funny, how we will stress ourselves out and in the end still kick arse!! Long story short...stop stressing 'cause you are smart. Seriously!! Congrats and stay confident. A's from here on out!!
That is so awesome! I love hearing about your adventures in college, and so glad that it's going so well for you. Hopefully, you'll have a summer of relaxation to look forward to in a few months!
Woooo Hoooo!
That is awesome - HUGE congrats to you!
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