I got a 96% on my first test!!!!!
Baby Boy hasn't had any tests yet, because his teachers aren't sadists, so I'm savoring this little victory solo.
Oh, and it's in MATH . . . can you believe it?
I owe it all to Baby Boy. I had done NO higher math before we started homeschooling and on several occasions since we started community college he's had to help me with my homework (the pupil has surpassed the teacher, naturally), so he totally helped me to ROCK IT!
Once again, gotta love homeschooling!
Until next time . . .

Big YAY to you! I don't know if I have ever gotten a 96% on a math test! Not my strong point.
Yay! So proud of you! You go, gf!
See?! I KNEW you would do well! Yay!
Well done, you! You must be floating on top of the world right now.
Bravo! I am clapping for you (in between typing!)
Hip Hip Hooray! Time for some celebrating :-).
I am so very proud of you. Homeschooling works even for us moms, we must learn along side them. Even if we don't know it. ;-)
The best part is your son helping you with this.
::uploading confetti:::
Way to go! Thats fantastic!
Whoo Hoo!
CONGRATZ!! Not only on your test but also for being the kind of teacher who was able to mold a teacher! :)
Yay! You did rock it!
Education is a two-way street. If the teacher isn't learning as much as the student, there's something wrong!
Woo Hoo! Big Congrats!
This is a really cool post on so many levels. Congrats!
Oh, yes, I can guarantee you that I've never gotten a mark that high on a math test. So I know what an achievement it is! Congratulations - and chalk up another one for homeschooling....
AWESOME! We knew you could do it! :-D
w00t!! w00t!! Congrats Mom #1!!
How exciting for you and your son to both be experiencing college together.
I have not been here in a while so I wanted to tell you how much I love the pics of you and your family. What a beautiful bunch you are!!
I wanted to let you know that I am back in action and I have begun posting to my blog again. I hope you will find time in your busy schedule to come on over and take a peak and maybe even leave a comment. Congrats again your 96 A+ yehaw!! ;)
I know you're sooo soo busy... but I have something for you on my blog.
And seriously... you're too busy to blog? To say, 'Hey y'all, I'm busy but doing great, see ya soon."???
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