Usually on the weekends, Baby Boy gets his "man time" in by spending time with his grandpa, my dad.
I have no idea what they do or where they go . . . it's just guy time. I can tell he really looks forward to it because he gets all of his homework and chores done in advance so he can stay gone all day and night. This works for Mom #2 and myself as well as we can enjoy relaxing and catching up on The Young and the Restless via DVR without feeling like we're neglecting him. It's actually a pretty nice set up. ;-)
Well . . . imagine my surprise when I'm chillin' watching my stories and Baby Boy calls me on the phone and says, "Come out to the driveway for a minute because Papa (that's what we call my dad) wants to tell you something."
I simply imagined that Papa wanted Baby Boy to spend the night or go to fancy restaurant for dinner and wanted me to pack him (yes, he's spoiled) some extra clothes or something like that.
Never, ever, EVER in a million years did I expect to see what I saw . . .
Apparently, on a whim, without consulting parents or anything logistical like that, Papa decided it was time for his grandson to have a brand new car.
I'm very emotionally mixed up in a happy-sad-excited-mortified-appreciative-pissed off sort of way.
Darn that Papa.
When I tried to discuss it with Papa, he just brushed me off with that attitude that the over 50 crowd has. You know, "it's my money, he's my grandson, and I can do whatever the heck I want."
Yes, that attitude. I should be a real delight in a few years, LOL.
So now I'm off to make up a whole bunch of rules since giving it back doesn't seem to be an option, but actually it will really be a great big help. We've been having a heck of a time with Baby Boy and I both in school and Mom #2 working with just one vehicle and a couple of bus passes. I think this is really where Papa's heart was. Giving it to the grandson was the only way he could get that vehicle into the family because I certainly wouldn't have taken it from him myself.
As you can see, Baby Boy doesn't that problem.
Until next time . . .

That is so awesome and while I can TOTALLY understand your mixed feelings, it's pretty cool that your Dad noticed the need and came up with a way to help out. Even if it's making your crazy. ;)
I'm with Katy...
I will have to e-mail you "off-blog" to tell you the list of rules that my parents made for us when we got our first car. LOL!
Gramps sure picked a great looking ride! He sounds like a great guy, finding a way to "sneak" a ride into the family. Enjoy, be safe!
Way to go Papa!
Feel good in the knowledge that you and Mom #2 get to set the rules!!
Awesome! My parents gave KJ a car too, not brand new though. It has been a life saver. Be careful, Baby Boy.
I totally get the "YES! No! Yes! No!" feeling.
Here's hoping it all works out for the best and takes alot of stress off of trying to do the 3-people-to-1-car shuffle. :)
Way to go Papa. I would be tempted to spank him though, not baby boy, but Papa hehe.
Sounds like something my dad would do. No warning, no discussion, no asking. The Good Ole Boys are like that.
Haha, well at least I know it's all grandfathers! Baby boy looks SOOO happy. I would have loved to of seen a picture of your face when you walked outside. LOL.
Man, that's a hell of a grandpa!!
I had to read that twice! That's just amazing.
Wow! I'd say his new nickname is Lucky Boy! That is awesome.
My grandparents gave me a car as well. I had it until I was 30. I'm not sure that that speaks well of me, but I do like to get my use out of my cars ;-).
Congrats to him and I hope this eases life.
WOW! That is awesome!!! (I do understand your apprehension, though.) But still....Papa ROCKS!
Baby Boy seems very responsible from what you write about him. I'm sure he'll be just fine.
Cool! My daughter just got a motor scooter. She is looking a little dangerous on the road, Im starting to wish she had got a car instead. Drive safe Baby Boy! Awesome car!
Wow! Can grandpa adopt me?
Holy cow! This is huge. I love the way you describe your feelings about it, because that's exactly how I think I'd feel.
Well great day in the morning!! I'm really behind on my bloggy following, so by now you guys have probably driven to the Olympics and back in that shiny new piece of death-on-wheels!!! Do tell how it handles, and if Baby Boy is behavin' himself and staying within the speed limit and all that. This one definitely deserves a follow-up post, lady! Congrats to BB!!!
Remember when that happened on Roseanne?
Roseanne's mom came over for a visit and gave Becky her car without consulting with parents?
They worked it out in the end, I believe, by Roseanne taking over the new car.
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