Well I know you are all probably thinking how tacky it is to celebrate your blog anniversary and then promptly stop posting, but allergies have been blowing in like gangbusters and just getting the basics done was all I seemed to have the energy for. I noticed on lots of other blogs they are celebrating the fall festivals and what-have-you, but it's still too hot to attend any outdoor events around here. It's still in the high 90's with no relief in sight, so I assure you, we've been inside. The only thing Ike has done for us is blow in lots of debris so that breathing clear clean air is no longer something we can take for granted. Oh, well.
Despite all that, school went very good this week. Baby Boy is working just as hard as ever:
- We finished our first literature book, Cameron Townsend. It's a true story about a man who dedicates his life to having the New Testament of the Bible translated into every language. We usually don't do a lot of religious reading, but I thought this book was important because it showed how one person can make a difference in the world if he puts his mind to it and it also is an incredible story of determination and perseverance. Those are the kind of qualities that will take you far no matter what religious preference you are, even if you have no religious preference at all.
- We completed the first chapter and test of our algebra 2 curriculum. It was mostly review from algebra 1. Baby Boy did excellent, only missing one question. I'm so glad to see that even though we took a year off between algebra 1 and 2 to do geometry, he hasn't forgotten everything. Frankly, I was extremely worried about that.
- We are loving our History of US series for U. S. history, although we did ditch our first reader, Peace Child. I don't know what to say about this book, except neither of us liked it. I know I'm not supposed to model to Baby Boy that it's all right to quit something when it gets unpleasant, but I was just. plain. done. with this book. It has some pretty graphic descriptions of ritualistic killings and cannibalism, which didn't really bother Baby Boy or myself too much, to be honest, but may disturb more sensitive readers. The writing style is just not pleasant and very hard to keep up with. I don't recommend it at all.
- Chemistry is by far Baby Boy's favorite subject. My head is swimming with conversion methods and factors as we convert liquid and regular (I don't know what word to use, ask Baby Boy) units from our measuring system to the metric system. Baby Boy really has a knack for it. Shoot! I have to go online and use a conversion calculator to check his work. So sad when the student is so much smarter than the teacher. We also did a lab experiment on volume, mass and density. I have some photos . . . see . . .
- By far the most interesting subject is driver's education. We aren't using a set curriculum, just going it alone with a little help from some online tools provided by the Department of Public Safety. I gotta tell you, I've been driving for a while, and I really didn't know there were so many rules! I usually just try to stay away from cops, but now I'm learning all over again how it's really supposed to be done, LOL.
In other news, we had a small little dinner celebration because these two people . . .
. . . our daughter and her significant other-boyfriend-common law husband-baby's daddy-or whatever have finally started getting their act together and starting to really (as in not lying about) put some money together to put a deposit on their very own apartment. Mom #2 and I are both excited and nervous for them, but it's always best for parents to be in their own space with their own children. Especially since their current living arrangements usually have them separated from the baby for various reasons.
Let's all hope, pray, chant, send good vibes, or whatever your personal preference is that this really happens for these kids. For all of our sake.
Speaking of the baby, she has gotten so big! She eats like nobody's business. I'll close out with a picture of her, why not, who doesn't love baby pictures? We were wearing our matching green ensembles that day, because we love each other so very very much, LOL.
I think that's all I have to say about this past week. I'll try not to let it get away from me for so long for next time, but as you know, no promises. ;-)
I hope everyone had a great week as well, and a wonderful relaxing weekend planned!
Until next time . . .

OK,I just want to squeeze that babies cheeks:))
My head is spinning, Algebra 2 and Chemisrty. I hope and pray by the time we reach that point with the boys I can pay some nice home school mom to teach my kids! That or hefty fees to an online school...
Aw, love those baby pictures! Sending good thoughts for your little girl and her little girl.
I was talking to my cousin who is just outside of Houston and she was saying that it was so mild last week that she was able to not run her A.C. She was saying, " Oh yea it was in the low 80's and mild." I started stripping off clothes just talking to her becauase low 80's is HOT! LOL! We are doing driver's ed too and I had to LOL as my 10th grader said to me, "Boy, there sure are alot of things to remember and know... I thought you just got in, picked out your music and pushed the gas!" I had a knee slapping laugh at that boy. Now when we are in the car, I get a series of, "did you know...?" I politely remind him that I have been driving for over 30 years.
Allergies? check. Algebra, Chemistry & Geometry? check. (I am so over my head, thank goodness for the online teacher!) I feel your pain Mom#!
And that baby is about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Yum yum yum on those cheeks!
Baby boy and Rocker Dude are doing the same subjects! Well, we are finishing up Biology from last year, then start Chemistry. We are almost there. (We got behind when momma got sick)
What are doing next year? I'm afraid I can go up any higher in math or science, so I was going to let him take 2 college courses as a high school student.
Gosh! She has got bigger and as pretty as ever! Hope all keeps going well for her parents. I'll keep them in my prayers.
With all the rain we have had from all the storms we are cooler than normal for this time of year. It's a little weird to me.
For your sake, I hope Baby Boy drives better than KJ. Way to go with the schooling. He seems to have his act together!
Here's some of that good energy coming your family's way!!!
That baby is precious! Baby Boy looks like he's having a good time!!! And so does Mom #1!
Liquid to solid? English or standard to metric? Just a former science teacher cringing over here :-) I'm still hoping for a U.S. conversion to the metric system. Seriously people - it's easier. No fractions. Everthings base 10. I'm just saying. No takers.
OMG I so hear you about the heat. It's been over 100 since Weds. during the day. I hate Sept.Sept. is the cruelest month.
Two beauties in green!
Hope the allergies get better, Violet and I have been popping our Zyrtec every day trying to keep the pollens away.
You so are right!
Thank You!
Oh that baby is just SO precious!
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the nice comments that you always leave on my blog. You are truly one of the most kind, supportive people I know!
I'm sorry that i haven't been 'by' to comment much lately. (I've been so busy with our own school - and all of the therapy appointments!) but I truly wish you the best!
God Bless,
Love the baby photo, ya both are so adorable.
Love the chem experiment too. We are doing something similar this week and I was looking for another liquid to add, maple syrup is what I'm going for. Thank baby boy for me, that's just what I needed.
You have such beautiful eyes!
And on an unrelated topic... your homeschool sounds like a blast. If you ever do homeschool university courses I would love to be a student!
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