Guess what? SabrinaT reminded me that last Wednesday, the 17th was my. . .
Can you believe it? I've lasted a whole year. I know it isn't very long and most of you have been going a LOT longer, but I'm still very happy.
All of my blogging friends, that's y'all over there --> in the sidebar, and a few I haven't added yet) are the most understanding, compassionate, witty, hilarious, and supportive group I've ever known. I've learned so much about life from all of you: when to laugh it off; when to shamelessly cry about it; when to say "The heck with it;" and when to stand up and do something about it. I've gone through some interestingly good and some pathetically bad times in this year, and I appreciate you sticking it all out with me.
I know this isn't a blog of great relevance or substance, but I do have fun doing it. I love reading all of your blogs, and I hope you'll stick around and read mine some more . . . you know . . . when I get off my lazy butt and post something. ;-)
But isn't that half the fun? You just never know when that inspiration is going to hit, LOL!
Thanks again ladies, (and Jason, and Hula Hank) Love you all!
Until next time . . .

Great! Congratulations!!!
I know this isn't a blog of great relevance or substance.... Do what???? IS too!!!!!
Happy Blogiversary! Happy Blogiversary!!
I love your blog, you make me smile all the time! I'm so glad we've met in cyberspace!
Definite substance and relevance.
Add my congrats.
I love reading here.
Cograts! This blog is very relevant and inspiring!
OMGees! After I read your blog and one other I realized I have been blogging since Wednesday, March 29, 2006. It don't seem like it's been that long. I 1st heard of bloggig at the DJ.
Happy Blogerversary! Did I spell that right?
Hope there is a celebration! And by that I mean a big margarita!
HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY~ When is the party!
So what did you get the blog for the big day?
Way cool! Happy bloggerversary to yoooooouuu!
Happy Blogaversary!!! : ) Isn't this Blogaverse amazing? : )
You need a drum-roll for this one! lol Congrats and, more importantly, THANKS for your blog.
#1Mom, you manage to make the blog world friendlier and more supportive by a long mile. What could be more relevant or worthwhile? Thanks for the love and support you shine.
Happy Blog Day. love, Katherine
Happy Anniversary!!!! I love your beach header. Wish I was there. (sigh)
Happy Blogversary! Glad to come across your blog.
Felicidades! It's a milestone. And thanks for mentioning my name individually. And Hula Hank's.
You made it this far because you have a great blog, and lots of readers who love it (including me). Happy Anniversary!
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