We went on an awesome field trip with our homeschool field trip group.
We took a drive down to San Antonio and visited their newly renovated Japanese Tea Garden. It was beautiful. While all of the adults were enjoying the incredible peaceful scenery such as this . . .
. . . and this . . .
. . . and this . . .
. . . and this . . .
All the boys were enjoying themselves in an entirely different way, such as this . . .
. . . and this . . .
After that, we went to this museum and saw this exhibit on Leonardo Da Vinci. The machines and biographical movie were awesome. Of course, the boys found yet another way to goof off, but this goofing off was all about geometry and physics, so we let them run wild!
After that we had a lovely meal at this great Mexican (My favorite!) restaurant, and then we made the long drive home.
We were exhausted, but well educated, entertained and socialized, and that's really what matters most!
Until next time . . .

I'm jealous of the whole trip! The gardens are beautiful (there is a Japanese garden near us too and we've never been, we keep threatening to go), I'd love to see the daVinci exhibit, and your restaurant looks delicious!
What fun!
What a great trip. I want to come home and drive and drive!!
The Japanese looks beautiful and I would have loved to see the Leonardo exhibit. I have to say, I've seen those bikes before, and there's no way, no how I would get on one of those! Way to go Baby Boy!
What a nice day! If gas ever goes down some, KJ and I will have to visit those gardens. They look awesome!
I've never been to a Japanese garden. That is some fabulous scenery! Just like boys to barely notice. Too much horsing around to do.
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