This week Obi-Mom Kenobi posted about knowing who you are, who you aren't, and who you are becoming. I had so much fun reading and relating to her list, that I thought I'd do one of my own:
- I am an unapologetic lover of all dogs
- I am more of an audio book listen-to-er than an actual reader
- I am content to call the house clean without mopping the kitchen floor
- I am a free-range parent on the outside who screams bloody murder on the inside
- I am sort of a hippie who does occasionally shave the pits but never the legs
- I am anxiously watching my Baby Boy become Big Boy/Young Man
- I am a nervous yet excited second chance college student
- I am the kind of guest who always shows up late, but will enthusiastically help with the clean-up
- I am an enthusiastic wearer of make up, especially mascara, my own private paradise
- I am anal about schedules, organization, structure and order
- I am addicted to text messaging
- I am in total and complete love with the beach
- I am the kind of person who cannot sleep with dirty dishes in the sink
- I am not a natural or joyous cook
- I am not a good hostess
- I am not interested in talking on the telephone - ever
- I am not ever going to be thin (apparently)
- I am not good at math (this may be a problem next semester)
- I am not comfortable "going with the flow"
- I am not comfortable without a functioning high-speed internet connection
- I am hopefully becoming a more loving Mom, Spouse, Daughter, Sister, and Friend . . . everyday
So . . . what are you? What aren't you? What are you becoming?
Tell me about it.
Until next time . . .

Love your list!
"I am content to call the house clean without mopping the kitchen floor"
Oooh, me too!
I will have to think about this and try to come up with my own list.
What a fun list!
I am a firm believer that I could live off of marzipan and iced green tea.
I am not able to function without a list.
LOL I shave my legs once a month (sometimes in winter) Lucky for me I am not too hairy!
I do feel the need to mop the floor but just cannot seem to be bothered to do it very often. (In my own defense the floor that needs mopping is very big!)
Love love love your list! Hugs and smoochies xoxoxo
(PS> except perhaps the make up bit, that crap is BAD for your face! You are lovely enough without it! mwah xoxoxo)
Nice list, I'll blog mine later. :)And I'm completely with you on the phone thing!
What am I? Cookoo for cocoa puffs most of the time. What aren't you? Sane. What are you becoming? I'll tell ya when I get there. LOL!
Love the list and I can't live without my Cover Girl mascara either so I totally feel ya on that one. LOL!
Thanks so much for checking on me, sweet friend. Your comments always brighten my day. (big hug)
Great list! And I am so with you about talking on the phone. Nevah! Evah! LOL I also love makeup, I never leave the house without the full regalia.
Loving these!! But so sad to hear about you not talking on the phone! How are we ever going to become bestest friends from across the country if you don't talk on the phone??!! ;)
I sleep like a baby, even with dishes in the sink, but I must mop the kitchen floor before I consider the house clean. We should live together! =)
I sleep like a baby, even with dishes in the sink, but I must mop the kitchen floor before I consider the house clean. We should live together! =)
Hi! I just had to pop over and find out more about a woman who claims not to have insightful teacher comments to find out she's a homeschool mom! I like the irony of the situation.
I grew up in a household where my mum couldn't boil an egg before or after she got married. My dad had no concept of housework either. I have no role model and no standards to aspire to. I remember having to take down the Christmas tree at my Dad's house in March one year. So I feel high achievement levels when I do any housework and expect a fanfare and a lot of applause.
I'll do your maths if you'll do my dishes :) and give me make up advice.
What a great list.
These days I am "a lover of warm sunny days."
That's about all I can manage as my brain is fried from lesson planning and gearing up for school. ;-)
Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer,
I love this! I've been on another planet, or so it would seem, and thought I'd pop in and see how you're all doing. I can't believe how grown up your baby boy is. My baby boy just turned 20 and my baby girl just got her driver's permit and is getting ready to take some college courses next semester. I feel so old.
I wish your family happiness at the holidays and every day!
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