I'll admit that I've been a little high strung with research, writing, re-writing and studying in the big push for the final week of the summer semester. Add that to supporting Baby Boy in his college classes, my usual CEO of the household duties, and overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. Yes, I'm a little high strung. So high strung in fact that Mom #2 voluntarily offered to take over the family cooking duties for me.
People in this house don't volunteer for chores. Don't get me wrong. Chores do happen. Regularly. But extra chores? Voluntarily? Those simply do not happen. So I'm not sure where this came from. All I can say is that I either look a disaster, the food coming from my kitchen must be gross, or my loud and persistent whining and complaining must be getting on her nerves. One of those, I'm sure.
Anyway, I felt awful. It really gut-punched me that I appear to need help. I like doing it all. Well, I like the idea of doing it all. I actually hate to cook. Even though I do. Every. Single. Day. So reluctantly, (wink wink) I accepted her offer. She can cook the meals.
That was on Friday. Fast forward to Monday.
Imagine my surprise when I emerged from my research den about 30 minutes 'till dinner time and Mom #2 was sitting in her chair with her feet up and there was no aroma of delicious food coming from the kitchen. When I inquired "what's for dinner" I kid-you-not she looked at me like I had grown another head. Then she had the nerve to say "we don't have anything to cook, let me go to the store."
Oh, I forgot to tell you. Mom #2 enjoys cooking under very specific circumstances: when she has the day off, when she sees an interesting recipe she wants to try on the Food Network, or when her Mom tries a new recipe and she wants to outdo her. She doesn't really understand the day-to-day cooking that has to happen so that the people in this house don't starve.
Yes, the family has to be fed every day.
After I gave her a quick inventory on how food works, she did manage to throw together a scrumptious meal. Now she knows how it feels to be Mom #1.
Get it together, Missy!
Until next time . . .