Thanks so much to everyone who commented and emailed wondering how we are doing.
We're fine.
I'm just having a lazy summertime, I guess. I took a big old break from blogging and blogs in general. I have no sense of balance when it comes to the computer, and blogs specifically. You all are just so darn interesting . . . I'm either reading, commenting and posting all day long or none at all. It's a character flaw, I know, but that's just the truth. ;-)
We've finished up our homeschool studies for a bit and are taking a break, which actually means we're just laying on the floor under the ceiling fan trying not to pass out from heat stroke. It's so hot here! It's been at least 100 degrees for 16 days in a row. We broke the streak yesterday because it was only 99 degrees, but I was still hot. It's back up to 102 degrees today. Last week we had a couple of days when it was 106 degrees! It's too hot to move, yet alone do anything actually constructive, so I've been watching TV. ;-)
I had some more dental work done. If y'all have been reading for any length of time, you know that I have an extremely tumultuous relationship with all dental professionals. They are some of my least favorite people. I was on some really good pain medication for about a week, and that also prevented me from being online, because I was living in a land inhabited only by myself and the Tooth Fairy, I kid you not.
And guess what else, I sewed. Yes, you read that right, I sewed! I haven't sewn anything since I made myself an outfit in home economics in high school. I have a photo around here somewhere of me wearing said outfit, but since I haven't posted in almost a month, I'd better not walk away from the computer now, or this may never actually get finished, LOL. I'll try to find it later, it's hilarious. I actually wore it on my senior trip. You know the trip, we all put all of our hard earned money together and we barely had enough to drive to Six Flags, which is just a few miles down the road, LOL. We were so pathetic, LOL. Anyway, I digress.
Baby Boy was playing not one, but two parts in our local homeschool group's production of Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona, so I actually had to make him two costumes. They actually came out pretty good. See . . .

Not bad, right? So now I've officially earned my Greatest Mom on the Planet badge for this grading period. I'm not sure what my next magic trick will be, but I'll keep you posted.
Baby Boy also recently did one gruesome dissection project. I would tell you about it, but it really deserves a post all to itself. I'll be sure to post a disclaimer for you squeamish types. It certainly isn't for the faint of heart. In fact, I left the house, so all the photos and commentary will be courtesy of Baby Boy and Mom #2. Stay tuned.
So consider yourselves caught up! I'm going to be making my way to all of your blogs over the weekend and next week, so look for me to be back in action.
Until next time . . .

Glad you all are doing well!
Those costumes turned our great.. Sounds like you have been busy.. That is when your not trying to stay cool..I hope it cools off soon for you all.
Yay!! You're back!!
Glad you are back and hope all is well. I did miss your smiling face and encouraging words. We are still trying to get crutches for that camel...
Good to see you!
Missed you ooooodles, but glad you have so far survived the heat and are still smiling to boot! You did an AWESOME job with those costumes, missy! I think I'd like Baby Boy to send me Costume #2 for Halloween this year (with some alterations of course...he might be a SMIDGE taller than myself). I'm heading to FL tomorrow, so I might come close to being able to commiserate with you on the heat business. ((((hugs))))
Good to see you posting again. I've been wondering what you were up to (but I guessed it was mostly revolving around avoiding the heat).
I'm also glad to see you again. Enjoy your lazy summer!
Welcome back!
How cool is that about the play and the costumes (not to undercut your part by putting the costumes second or anything).
I hear you about the heat. There was a point here where I cancelled going to the pool with a friend because it was just too hot to go outside. I hate summer. We've been watching March of the Penguins and the Empire Strikes Back.
Yay! I missed you.
Glad you're blogging again. I keep meaning to get back to it myself. I often compose posts in my head, but never sit down to type them! Great costumes, and yay for Baby Boy being in the production.
Wow. How cool is that! I adore Shakespeare. If you get a snippet of video of the play, that would be so cool to see!
Well, pop on by - I have something for you. ;)
I must comment that you did an excellent job on the costumes and even went through the extra effort to put gold trim on the second one.
So glad that you are back, but you should enjoy your summer and the heat and while you are laying on the floor underneath the fan on pain meds you can't get into any trouble like running over trees.
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