The first act started out kind of slowly and I could actually see Baby Boy wilting in his seat beside me. He got up and took a brisk walk in the crisp night air during the first intermission and came back somewhat refreshed. Fortunately, the action really picked up in Act II and I was no longer in jeopardy of losing him. We were both thoroughly engrossed by Act III.
In Act III there was a scene where Lucia comes on stage in a blood soaked wedding dress after killing her moments-ago-married husband, hallucinates, and then commits suicide (it's a tragedy). The soprano who played Lucia had a voice so pure and clear and sweet, it just about brought tears to my eyes. You could actually see her losing her grip on reality and going insane right before your eyes on stage. She then proceeded to die the most beautiful, disturbing, and agonizingly slow death ever to be performed. She actually sang blood curdling screams in time with the score. She was simply marvelous! Baby Boy and I enthusiastically participated in her standing ovation.
Last night was amazing and just happens to be in extremely stark contrast to what I'm doing today - - taking my Mom to have her colonoscopy. *SIGH* Such is the life of the first born child.
Oh, well. At least I'll have something lovely to hum to myself in the waiting room. If I get too bored, I now know how to convincingly go crazy for an audience. ;-) You never know when that skill will come in handy.
Have a FAN-TAB-U-LOUS weekend!
Until next time . . .