At the beginning of this week, I felt nervous. I had a bit of a hard time sleeping and couldn't get the anxious thoughts out of my mind . . . Am I crazy for taking Japanese II and Chemistry II in the same semester? Why did I sign up for Intro to Psychology, I'm not even remotely interested in that stuff . . . What will come of the new semester of school???
This week has been somewhat of a relief and a preparation for me. I'm relieved to have learned that my professors seem very engaged and my classes don't seem like they'll give me too much trouble. I'm feeling more prepared to buckle down, get ready, and trudge through these classes full throttle. I'm will absolutely not allow them to defeat me!
Overall, my first week of school turned out successfully. I met and got a good feel for my professors, and fully know what to expect from my classes.
All that's left to say is . . .
. . . Time to LOCK and LOAD!
Well this was my first week taking classes at the University. I am experiencing a lot of new things all at once. I'm getting used to walking all. day. long. When I got home on the first day, I ran and looked in the mirror and couldn't believe I was still fat. I thought for sure I'd lost 50 or 60 pounds walking all over campus carrying a backpack full of books in the 106 degree heat. But, alas, no. Skinny apparently is not in the cards for me.
My Statistics and Research Design professor actually said that the class was BRUTAL and that we should be prepared to work 10 to 15 hours a week outside of class and the two hour weekly lab. Seriously. I almost peed my pants right on the spot. The rest of my university classes seem challenging, but manageable. I guess we'll see.
I'm also taking Spanish III at the community college. I've come to the conclusion that I. Don't. Speak. Spanish. and apparently no amount of book-learnin' is going to help me. ;-) But I'm still hanging in there.
Since we have three people going three different directions and I have super-duper-traffic-driving-anxiety coupled with a strong aversion to paying $300 a semester for a parking pass, I've been reduced to public transit. I am starting to consider this a sixteen week sociological study in giving up my personal space. The bus is very . . . ahem . . . intimate. That's all I have to say about that.
I'm staring the week off with a fair amount of homework, and my first quiz is already on the horizon next week, so not much time to chat.
Have y'all started back to school yet? How's it going?
Give Baby Boy and me an update.
P.S. Have a great weekend everyone!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
3 days ago