. . . That an opera about the beheading of nuns would be so interesting, entertaining, and even inspiring.
Baby Boy and I starched our best jeans and went to see the Dialogues of the Carmelites.
I will admit that, when pressed, Baby Boy described it as "interesting;" no more, no less. So I won't say it's a show for all, but I really did enjoy it.
It was different from all of the other operas we've seen in that it was done in French, not Italian. Also, the nuns often performed prayers/chants in Latin. LOVED THAT!!! Of course, if you know me at all, you'll know that I love all things operatic. I adore absolutely everything opera, and as long as they continue to offer those educational discount tickets, I'll be front and center at each and every show. You know, until Baby Boy hits 18. (Boo! Hiss!)
Now . . . I just have to get them to organize something like this for the ballet. They only offer educational discount tickets to The Nutcracker, but I want to see them all!
As you know, too much is never enough! ;-) Oh, you just gotta love the arts!
Have a great week!
Until next time . . .
It's a big deal.
6 days ago